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Stefan Ihmor
Entwurf von Echtzeitschnittstellen am Beispiel interagierender Roboter
IN Rekonfigurierbare Schnittstellen, page 3 - 144, TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, Bergstr. 70, 01069 Dresden, Germany, November 2005. ISBN: 3-398863-37-4



Stefan Ihmor and Wolfram Hardt
Runtime Reconfigurable Interfaces - The RTR-IFB Approach.
IN International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), Inderscience Publisher Issue, 2005.



Stefan Ihmor and Wolfram Hardt
Synthesis of Communication Structures and Protocols in Distributed Embedded Systems
IN Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, page 3 - 9, IEEE Computer Society, June 2005. ISBN: 0-7695-2361-7

Stefan Ihmor and Florian Dittmann
Optimizing Interface Implementation Costs Using Runtime Reconfigurable Systems
IN Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'05), page 85 - 91, Plaks, Toomas, June 2005.


André Meisel and Wolfram Hardt and Stefan Ihmor
Self-Reconfiguration of Communication Interfaces
IN Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, page 144 - 150, IEEE Computer Society, June 2004. ISBN: 0-7695-2159-2

Stefan Ihmor and Wolfram Hardt
Runtime Reconfigurable Interfaces - The RTR-IFB Approach
IN Proceedings of the 11th ReconfigurableArchitectures Workshop (RAW'04) , IEEE Computer Society, April 2004.


Stefan Ihmor and Nilson Bastos Jr. and Rafael Cardoso Klein and Wolfram Hardt
Rapid Prototyping of Realtime Communication -- A Case Study: Interacting Robots
IN Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP), page 186 - 192, IEEE Computer Society, June 2003. ISBN: 0-7695-1743-1

Stefan Ihmor and Wolfram Hardt
Modeling of Configurable HW/SW-Interfaces
IN Proc. of the 6. GI/ITG/GMM-Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen, page 51 - 60, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Deutschland, February 2003. ISBN: 3-8322-1202-7

Stefan Ihmor and Wolfram Hardt
Modeling of Configurable HW/SW-Interfaces
IN RSS2003, page 51 - 60, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Deutschland, February 2003.


Johannes Lessmann and Stefan Ihmor and Wolfram Hardt
IPQ Format based Retrieval
IN MEDEA+ Design Automation Conference - Demonstration and Poster Exhibition, October 2002.

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