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Technische Informatik


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Seiten: 1



Jens Halbig and André Windisch and Patrick Kingsbury and Norbert Oswald and Wolfram Hardt
Development of a Real-Time Decision-Making System for Certifiable Autonomous Unmanned Systems
Informatik aktuell, IN Autonomous Mobile Systems 2012, page 119 - 128, Springer Verlag, 2012. ISBN: 978-3-642-32216-7, ISSN: 1431-472-X



Jens Halbig and André Windisch and Patrick Kingsbury and Norbert Oswald and Wolfram Hardt
Realtime Decision-Making for Certifiable Autonomous Unmanned Systems
IN International Journal of Imaging and Robotics, page 44 - 57, CESER Publications, 2013. ISSN: 2231-525X



Jens Halbig and André Windisch and Patrick Kingsbury and Norbert Oswald and Wolfram Hardt
Integration of Realtime Decision-Making in Time-triggered Software Architectures for Certifiable Autonomous Unmanned Systems
IN Proceedings of 2011 2nd International Conference on Instrumentation Control and Automation (ICA 2011), page 219 - 224, IEEE Computer Society, November 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1460-3

Seiten: 1