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Technische Informatik


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Seiten: 1



Uranchimeg Tudevdagva and Yeruulbat Galbadrakh
The evaluation of online course for sport course: Case of the MUST TUC OPAC
IN Issues and Solutions in Education (ISE 2022), page 281 - 295, National University of Mongolia, Ikh Surguuliin gudamj -1, 210646 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, February 2022. ISBN: 978-99962-4-495-7 (7)



Uranchimeg Tudevdagva and Narantsatsral Delgerkhuu and Yeruulbat Galbadrakh and Serjmyadag Sergelen
Influence Rate Evaluation by Students’ Opinion: University, Library, Courses and Professors
IN Special Issue - Proceedings of ISCSET 2023, page 77 - 81, TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, Bergstr. 70, 01069 Dresden, Germany, July 2023. ISSN: 1869-5213

Seiten: 1