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Fakultät für Mathematik
Internet Seminar

Internet Seminar on Functional Calculus

Coordinates: Tuesday 1:45-3:15 PM, Room 39/633 (starting November 14)

Lectures: Prof. Dr. Markus Haase (Universität Kiel)

Local Organizers: Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann, Clemens Bombach

Registration: here


About the Internet Seminar

Organised by the European Consortium "Internet School on Evolution Equations", the Internet Seminar is an international academic event dedicated to modern analysis. The aim of the course is to introduce master students, PhD students and post-docs to subjects related to functional analysis and evolution equations.

This year's seminar is structured into three phases:

  1. In Phase 1 a weekly lecture will be provided, accompanied by exercises to be solved by the participants and by additional background material. The participants will meet weekly at their local universities to discuss the lecture. The weekly meetings in Chemnitz will be every Tuesday at 1:45 PM in Room 2/41/638.
  2. In Phase 2 the participants will form small international groups to work on projects in which the material of Phase 1 is complemented, deepened or applied.
  3. Finally, Phase 3 consists of the Final Workshop in Wuppertal where the results from Phase 2 will be presented.

Programme of the course

In the 21st Internet Seminar we study the theory and applications of functional calculi of (bounded and unbounded) linear operators on Banach spaces. Roughly speaking, a functional calculus is a consistent way of defining operators of the form f(A) for a given operator A  and some class of scalar-valued functions f such that relations between the functions translate into according relations of the operators f(A). These functional calculi are of particular importance for the theory of evolution equations, where quite many problems can be reduced to the question whether an operator of the form f(A) is bounded or not.

Further information regarding the Internet Seminar can be found here.