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TUCaktuell Campus

Chemnitz University of Technology President Congratulates Two Trainees Upon Successful Completion of Their Training Programmes

Sebastian Oberück and Andreas Vogel have successfully completed their training programmes at Chemnitz University of Technology. Both have completed training in the field of electronics technician for systems and devices. The president of Chemnitz University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Gerd Strohmeier congratulated them on their success: “I would like to congratulate Mr. Oberück and Mr. Vogel on the successful completion of their vocational training. I would like to thank them for their commitment to Chemnitz University of Technology and I wish them all the best in the future.” Along with this, Strohmeier would also like to thank all employees of Chemnitz University of Technology who are responsible for, or contribute to, vocational training programmes at Chemnitz University of Technology.

Also in the future, as a part of the Appreciation of Public Service initiative, President Strohmeier will be personally congratulating those who successfully complete vocational training programmes at Chemnitz University of Technology.

Chemnitz University of Technology is currently training students in the following professions:

  • Administrative/clerical worker specialising in state and local government
  • Office management assistant
  • Electronics technicial for systems and devices, specialising in electronic manufacturing services
  • Industrial mechanic in the area of precision machinery
  • Materials tester, specialising in metal technology

More information on Chemnitz University of Technology’s training opportunities is available online.

(Author: Matthias Fejes / Translation: Jeffrey Karnitz)

Matthias Fejes

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