Veröffentlichungen filtern
Eger, Björn-Lennart*; Rose, Daniel*; Dinter, Barbara* (2024). Einfluss des AI-Acts auf das Gesundheitswesen. 19th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, September 2024, Würzburg, Germany, 2024.
Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2024). Facilitating Value Co-Creation Through Inter-Organizational Information Systems. In: ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems. - ACM. - 55. 2024, 3, S. 70 - 107.
van der Valk, Hendrik*; Schmelzer, Robert; Rose, Daniel; Dinter, Barbara (2024). Towards a Process Model for Digital Twin Implementation: The Implementation Canvas. In: Procedia CIRP. - Elsevier BV. - 122. 2024, S. 903 - 908. - 31st CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering.
Wache, Hendrik* (2023). It's Time to Smarten Up! - A Framework for Building Smart Service Systems. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Panama, August 10-12, 2023, 1171.
Korneeva, Ekatarina; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2023). Leveraging Digital Platforms Through Business Model Innovation in SMEs: A Capability Perspective. 29th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Panama, 10-12 August 2023, 1671.
Huettemann, Sebastian*; Mueller, Roland M.; Larsen, Kai R.; Dinter, Barbara; Campos Chiny, Joshua (2023). How Best to Hunt a Mammoth - Toward Automated Knowledge Extraction From Graphical Research Models. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings, 359. - 18th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, September 2023, Paderborn, Germany.
Marjanovic, Olivera; Dinter, Barbara; Ariyachandra, Thilini (2023). Introduction to HICSS-56 Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data: Innovation, Deployment and Management Minitrack. 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2023.
Hoppe, Christoph*; Schmelzer, Robert; Möller, Frederik; Schoormann, Thorsten (2023). Data Spaces as Enablers for Sustainability. NaWerSys, Proceedings of the Informatik 2023, Berlin, S. 1323-1334. - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Volume P-337.
Dinter, Barbara; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Specht, Oliver (2022). All Good Things Come in Threes: A Digital Platform for Data-Driven, Interdisciplinary, and Replicable Research. 17th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST), June 1-3 2022, St. Petersburg, FL, USA.
Wache, Hendrik*; Möller, Hendrik; Schoormann, Thorsten; Strobel, Gero; Petrik, Dimitri (2022). Exploring the Abstraction Levels of Design Principles: The Case of Chatbots. 17th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2022, Nürnberg, Germany.
Drechsler, Andreas*; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Watkowski, Laura (2022). What's in an SME? Considerations for Scoping Research on Small and Medium Enterprises and Other Organisations in the IS Discipline. Thirtieth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022), Timișoara, Romania, 2022.
Wache, Hendrik*; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2022). How to Capture an ARTifact from the Information Systems Perspective. Navigation. Begriffe des digitalen Bildes, Bd.2. - München : Open Publishing LMU, 2022, S. 110 - 117.
Marjanovic, Olivera*; Dinter, Barbara; Ariyachandra, Thilini (2022). Introduction to the Minitrack on Business Intelligence, Business Analytics and Big Data: Innovation, Deployment, and Management. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022.
Hönigsberg, Sarah*; Dias, Malshika; Dinter, Barbara; Mandviwalla, Munir (2022). The Chimera of the Simple Organization: What is the Relevant Design Knowledge Needed to Guide Small Business Digital Transformation?. International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST). - Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 274–285. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; vol 13229.
Janiesch, Christian*; Dinter, Barbara; Mikalef, Patrick; Tona, Olgerta (2022). Business analytics and big data research in information systems. In: Journal of Business Analytics. - Informa UK Limited. - 5. 2022, 1, S. 1 - 7.
Marjanovic, Olivera; Ariyachandra, Thilini; Dinter, Barbara (2022). Looking Ahead: Business Intelligence & Analytics Research in the Post-Pandemic New Normal. 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022.
Kollwitz, Christoph*; Dinter, Barbara (2022). Hackathons als Gestaltungswerkzeug für plattform-basierte digitale Ökosysteme. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH. - 59. 2022, 5, S. 1423 - 1434.
Wache, Hendrik*; Dinter, Barbara (2022). Die Gestaltung gemeinsamer Wertschöpfung in Service Ökosystemen – Einsichten aus einem Digital Twin Projekt. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH. - 59. 2022, 5, S. 1411 - 1422.
Wache, Hendrik*; Hübner, Jan Eric; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2022). Closing the Implementation Gap of Digital Twins. Twenty-eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Minneapolis, 2022.
Fischer, Heiko; Seidenstricker, Sven; Ramm, Saskia; Dinter, Barbara (2022). Daten als Geschäftsmodellbasis : Handlungsempfehlungen für kompetitive Predictive-Maintenance-Geschäftsmodelle. In: Industrie 4.0 Management. - Berlin : GITO mbH Verlag. - 38. 2022, 6, S. 33 - 36.
Hönigsberg, Sarah (2022). Digital transformation in value co-creation networks of small and medium-sized enterprises. 2022. - 243 S..
Korneeva, Ekaterina*; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Piller, Frank T. (2021). Mass Customization Capabilities in Practice - Introducing the Mass into Customized Tech-Textiles in an SME Network. International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. - Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences. - 12. 2021, 2, S. 115 - 128.
Hönigsberg, Sarah*; Dias, Malshika; Dinter, Barbara (2021). Design Principles for Digital Transformation in Traditional SMEs - An Antipodean Comparison. The Next Wave of Sociotechnical Design. - 12807. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021, S. 375 - 386. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; vol 12807.
Aier, Stephan*; Dinter, Barbara; Schelp, Joachim (2021). Management of Enterprise-Wide Information Systems. Engineering the Transformation of the Enterprise. - 1. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2021, S. 201 - 224. - Engineering the Transformation of the Enterprise.
Wache, Hendrik; Dinter, Barbara (2021). Digital Twins at the Heart of Smart Service Systems - An Action Design Research Study. Twenty-Ninth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021), 14.-16. Juni 2021, Marrakesh, Morocco, 1-17, 2021, 1787.
Pfefferling, Arno; Kollwitz, Christoph; Dinter, Barbara (2019). Blockchain-Based Crowd-Sourcing Applications and Related Business Intelligence Possibilities. Proceedings of the 2019 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium, 15.12.19 - 18.12.19, München.
Kollwitz, Christoph (2019). Towards the Development of a Typology of Big Data Analytics in Innovation Ecosystems. Proceedings of the 2019 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium, 15.12.19 - 18.12.19, München, 2019.
Korneeva, Ekaterina; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Piller, Frank, T. (2020). Mass Customization Capabilities in Practice – Introducing the Mass Into Customized Techtextiles in an SME Network. 9th International Conference in Mass Customization and Personalization - Community of Europe (MCP-CE 2020), September 23-25, 2020, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Schmidt, Sandy; Voß, Marius; Wache, Hendrik*; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2021). Replicating a Digital Transformation Case. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021, 09.-11.03 21, Universität Duisburg-Essen. - , 2021. - Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021 Proceedings. 11..
Hönigsberg, Sarah* (2020). A Platform for Value Co-creation in SME Networks. Designing for Digital Transformation. Co-Creating Services with Citizens and Industry. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020, S. 285 - 296. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; vol 12388. - 15th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology DESRIST 2020.
Ramm, Saskia*; Kopf, Eva-Maria; Dinter, Barbara; Hönigsberg, Sarah (2021). What Makes a Good Story - The Use and Acceptance of Storytelling in Business Intelligence. 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 04.-08.01.2021, Maui, Hawaii, S. 5706-5715.
Ramm, Saskia*; Wache, Hendrik; Dinter, Barbara; Schmidt, Sebastian (2020). Der Kollaborative Digitale Zwilling : Herzstück eines integrierten Gesamtkonzepts. In: ZWF – Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb. - München : Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. - 115. 2020, Special, S. 94 - 96.
Grafmüller, Leontin K.; Hankammer, Stephan; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Wache, Hendrik (2018). Developing complex, mass-customized products in SME networks: Perspectives from co-creation, solution space development, and information system design. In: International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. - University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. - 9. 2018, 4, S. 215 - 227.
Barteld, Marco; Rainer, Gebhardt; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2019). Process-Oriented Value Creation In Textile Networks For Mass Customization In Smes. AUTEX2019 – 19th World Textile Conference on Textiles at the Crossroads, 11-15 June 2019, Ghent, Belgium, S. 1-6.
Wache, Hendrik; Dinter, Barbara (2020). The Digital Twin - Birth of an Integrated System in the Digital Age. 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 06-10.01.2020, Maui, Hawaii, S. 5452-5461. - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020.
Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara; Wache, Hendrik (2020). The Impact of Digital Technology on Network Value Co-creation. 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 06-10.01.2020, Maui, Hawaii, S. 5233-5242. - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020.
Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2019). Network Value Co-Creation Goes Digital – a Case Study. Twenty-fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 15.-17.08.2019, Cancun, Mexiko, S. 1-10.
Hönigsberg, Sarah; Dinter, Barbara (2019). Toward a Method to Foster the Digital Transformation in SME Networks. Fortieth International Conference on Information Systems, 15.-18.12.2019, Munich, S. 1-9.
Kollwitz, Christoph*; Dinter, Barbara (2019). What the Hack? - Towards a Taxonomy of Hackathons. 17th Int. Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2019), 01.09.2019 - 06.09.2019, Wien, S. 354 - 369. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2019. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; vol 11675.
Hönigsberg, Sarah; Kollwitz, Christoph; Dinter, Barbara (2019). Designing a Reference Model for Digital Product Configurators. 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 24.02.2019 - 27.02.2019, Siegen, S. 214 - 228.
Wache, Hendrik; Dinter, Barbara; Kollwitz, Christoph (2019). Analytics Use Cases for Mass Customization - A Process-based Approach for Systematic Discovery. 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawai, 08.01.2019 - 11.01.2019, pp. 5868 - 5877. - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019.
Kollwitz, Christoph; Mengual, Maximilian Perez; Dinter, Barbara (2018). Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration for Designing Data-Driven Products and Services. Proceedings of the 2018 Pre-ICIS SIGDSA Symposium, 2018.
Kollwitz, Christoph; Daiberl, Christofer; Dinter, Barbara; Roth, Angela; Möslein, Kathrin M. (2018). Gemeinsam unter Strom : CODIFeY : Abschlussbericht des Projektes Community-basierte Dienstleistungsinnovation für e-Mobility. Chemnitz : TU Chemnitz, Professur Wirtschaftsinformatik - Geschäftsprozess- und Informationsmanagement, 2018. - 68 S..
Marjanovic, Olivera; Dinter, Barbara (2018). Learning from the history of Business Intelligence and Analytics Research at HICSS: A Semantic Text Mining Approach. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. - Association for Information Systems. - 43. 2018, S. 775 - 791.
Grafmüller, Leontin; Hankammer, Stephan; Hönigsberg, Sarah; Wache, Hendrik (2018). Developing complex, mass-customized products in sme networks: a problem identification from three perspectives. 8th International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization– Community of Europe (MCP-CE 2018), 19.09.2018-21.09.2018, Novi Sad (Serbien).
Wehnert, Peter*; Kollwitz, Christoph; Daiberl, Christofer; Dinter, Barbara; Beckmann, Markus (2018). Capturing the Bigger Picture? Applying Text Analytics to Foster Open Innovation Processes for Sustainability-Oriented Innovation. In: Sustainability. - MDPI AG. - 10. 2018, 10, 3710.
Dinter, Barbara*; Krämer, Jan (2018). Data-driven innovations in electronic markets. Electronic Markets. - Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - 28. 2018, 4, S. 403 - 405.
Dinter, Barbara; Kollwitz, Christoph; Daiberl, Christofer; Roth, Angela; Möslein, Kathrin M. (2017). Gemeinsam unter Strom – Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt Community-basierte Dienstleistungsinnovation für e-Mobility. Dienstleistungen als Erfolgsfaktor für Elektromobilität. Ergebnisse aus dem Förderschwerpunkt “Dienstleistungsinnovationen für Elektromobilität”. - Stuttgart : Fraunhofer, 2017, S. 102 - 108.
Dinter, Barbara; Jäkel, Tobias; Kollwitz, Christoph; Wache, Hendrik (2017). Teaching Big Data Management – An Active Learning Approach for Higher Education. Pre-ICIS 2017 SIGDSA Symposium, 10 December 2017, Seoul, 1, 2017.
Dinter, Barbara; Kollwitz, Christoph (2017). Analytics for Co-Creation. Online-Offline Co-Creation. - Nürnberg : Service Factory Nürnberg, 2017, S. 14 - 17. - Open Service Lab Notes, 4/2016.
Dinter, Barbara; Kollwitz, Christoph (2016). Towards a Framework for Open Data Related Innovation Contests. Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS SIGDSA/IFIP WG8.3 Symposium: Innovations in Data Analytics, 11.12.2016, Dublin, Ireland, Paper 13, 2016.
Kollwitz, Christoph; Dinter, Barbara; Krawatzeck, Robert* (2017). Tools for Academic Business Intelligence and Analytics Teaching: Results of an Evaluation. Analytics and Data Science - Advances in Research and Pedagogy. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2017, S. 227 - 250. - Annals of Information Systems ; 21.
Sidorova, Anna*; Gupta, Babita; Dinter, Barbara (2017). Introduction: Research and Research-in-Progress. Analytics and Data Science - Advances in Research and Pedagogy. - Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2017, S. 7 - 13. - Annals of Information Systems ; 21.
Dinter, Barbara; Kollwitz, Christoph; Fritzsche, Albrecht (2017). Teaching Data Driven Innovation – Facing a Challenge for Higher Education. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'2017), 10.-12.08.2017, Boston, USA, Paper 38. - AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2017.
Marjanovic, Olivera; Dinter, Barbara* (2017). 25+ Years of Business Intelligence and Analytics Minitrack at HICSS: A Text Mining Analysis. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'2017), 04.-07.01.2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 2017.
Dinter, Barbara* (2016). Open Data : Lexikonartikel. Enzyklopaedie der Wirtschaftsinformatik. - 2016.
Kollwitz, Christoph*; Dinter, Barbara (2016). Analytics zur systematischen Unterstützung von Online Innovations-Communities am Beispiel der CODIFeY-Plattform. E-Mobilität gemeinsam gestalten - Erkenntnisse zur offenen und nutzerintegrierenden Dienstleistungsentwicklung aus dem Verbundprojekt CODIFeY. - Stuttgart : Fraunhofer Verlag, 2016, S. 87 - 100.
Dinter, Barbara; Kollwitz, Christoph*; Möslein, Kathrin M.; Roth, Angela (2016). Combining Open Innovation and Knowledge Management in Communities of Practice - An Analytics Driven Approach. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS'2016), 11.08-14.08.2016, San Diego, USA, paper 30, pp. 1-10.
Kollwitz, Christoph*; Dinter, Barbara (2016). Entwicklung eines Analytics Framework für virtuelle Communities of Practice. innteract Conference 2016, 23.-24.06.2016, Chemnitz, S. 326-334. - Chemnitz : aw&I Wissenschaft und Praxis, 2016.
Kollwitz, Christoph*; Dinter, Barbara; Hess, Joseph; Bullinger, Angelika C. (2016). Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Online-Lernumgebung für Elektromobilität – Erfolgsfaktoren und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, 09.03.2016-11.03.2016, Ilmenau, S. 555-566. - Ilmenau, 2016.
Dinter, Barbara; Frenzel, Lisa; Gluchowski, Peter (2017). Tagungsband zum 20. Interuniversitären Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik. Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, 2017, 59 S..
Kaiser, Andre*; Lorenz, Anja; Dinter, Barbara; Hänel, Tom; Felden, Carsten (2015). Flipped Classroom in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. In: HDS.Journal. - Leipzig : HDS. - 2015. 2, S. 21 - 28.
Gupta, Babita; Goul, Michael; Dinter, Barbara (2015). Business Intelligence and Big Data in Higher Education: Status of a Multi- Year Model Curriculum Development Effort for Business School Undergraduates, MS Graduates, and MBAs. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems. - New York, NY : ACM. - 36. 2015, 23, S. 449 - 476.
Dinter, Barbara; Gluchowski, Peter; Schieder, Christian (2015). A Stakeholder Lens on Metadata Management in Business Intelligence and Big Data – Results of an Empirical Investigation. 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems 2015, August 13-15, 2015, Puerto Rico.
Schieder, Christian*; Dinter, Barbara; Gluchowski, Peter (2015). Metadatenmanagement in der Business Intelligence – eine empirische Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung der Stakeholder-Perspektiven. 12. Internationale Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, 04.-06.03.2015, Osnabrück, S. 660 - 674.
Trahasch, Stephan; Zimmer, Michael; Krawatzeck, Robert (2016). Agile Business Intelligence. Agile Business Intelligence: Theorie und Praxis. - Heidelberg : dpunkt.verlag, 2016, S. 1 - 19.
Krawatzeck, Robert (2016). Automatisiertes Testen. Agile Business Intelligence: Theorie und Praxis. - Heidelberg : dpunkt.verlag, 2016, S. 111 - 129.
Krawatzeck, Robert; Dinter, Barbara* (2015). Agile Business Intelligence: Collection and Classification of Agile Business Intelligence Actions by Means of a Catalog and a Selection Guide. In: Information Systems Management. - Taylor & Francis. - 32. 2015, 3, S. 177 - 191.
Dinter, Barbara; Krawatzeck, Robert (2015). Towards a Configurative Publication Schema for Design Science Research. 36th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS'2015), Fort Worth, Texas, USA, S. 1-13. - AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2015.
Krawatzeck, Robert; Tetzner, Anja; Dinter, Barbara (2015). An Evaluation of Open Source Unit Testing Tools Suitable for Data Warehouse Testing. 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS'2015), Singapore, Paper 22. - AIS Electronic Library (AISeL), 2015.
Krawatzeck, Robert; Dinter, Barbara; Pham Thi, Duc Anh (2015). How to Make Business Intelligence Agile: The Agile BI Actions Catalog. 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'2015), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, S. 4762-4771. - IEEE, 2015.
Jacobi, Frieder; Jahn, Steffen; Krawatzeck, Robert; Dinter, Barbara; Lorenz, Anja (2014). Towards a Design Model for Interdisciplinary Information Systems Curriculum Development, As Exemplified by Big Data Analytics Education. Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS’2014). - Tel Aviv : AIS, 2014.
Dinter, Barbara; Krawatzeck, Robert (2014). Wirtschaftsinformatik – Die Klausur. In: WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium: Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung. - 43. 2014, 11, S. 1365 - 1369.
Krawatzeck, Robert; Zimmer, Michael; Trahasch, Stephan; Gansor, Tom (2014). Reflexionen nach einem Jahr Agile-BI-Memorandum: Agile BI ist in der Praxis angekommen. In: BI-Spektrum. - 9. 2014, 4, S. 8 - 11.
Lorenz, Anja (2013). Who Provides Educational Resources, Who Profits? The Knowledge Transfer Revolution. Online Educa: 19th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training, Berlin, Dec 4-6 2013, 2013.
Kahnwald, Nina; Pscheida, Daniela; Lorenz, Anja; Lißner, Andrea (2013). Studierende als Zielgruppe von Open Online Courses: Potenziale und Herausforderungen am Beispiel des SOOC13. Online Communities: Enterprise Networks, Open Education and Global Communication. 16. Workshop GeNeMe ’13. Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. - Dresden : TUDpress, 2013.
Lißner, Andrea; Lorenz, Anja; Pscheida, Daniela; Dubrau, Marlen; Hohenstatt, Selina; Kahnwald, Nina (2013). #SOOC13 Stationen eines MOOC: Kofferpacken für Massive Open Online Courses. E-Learning zwischen Vision und Alltag: Zum Stand der Dinge. Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagungen 2013 in Frankfurt/Main vom 2.–5.9.2013. - Münster : Waxmann, 2013. - Medien in der Wissenschaft ; 64.
Lorenz, Anja (2013). Collaboration in E-Learning Projects (CELePro): Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage unter Lehrenden an sächsischen Hochschulen. Didaktik – Motivation – Innovation. Tagungsband zum Workshop on E-Learning 2013, S. 85–94, HTWK Leipzig, 2013 . - Leipzig : HTWK, 2013.
Lißner, Andrea; Dubrau, Marlen; Pscheida, Daniela; Lorenz, Anja (2013). Massive Open Online Course Made in Saxony. Didaktik – Motivation – Innovation. Tagungsband zum Workshop on E-Learning 2013, S. 85–94, HTWK Leipzig, 2013 . - Leipzig : HTWK, 2013.
Lorenz, Anja; Mohamed, Bahaaeldin; Pscheida, Daniela; Seidel, Niels; Albrecht, Steffen; Köhler, Thomas (2013). (Wissens-)Kooperationen und Social Media in Forschung und Lehre. E-Learning zwischen Vision und Alltag: Zum Stand der Dinge. Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagungen 2013 in Frankfurt/Main vom 2.–5.9.2013. - Münster : Waxmann, 2013. - Medien in der Wissenschaft, 64.
Lorenz, Anja; Safran, Christian; Ebner, Martin (2013). Informationssysteme – Technische Anforderungen für das Lernen und Lehren. Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien (L3T). - 2. - Berlin : ePubli, 2013.
Safran, Christian; Lorenz, Anja; Ebner, Martin (2013). Webtechnologien – Technische Anforderungen an Informationssysteme. Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien (L3T). - 2. - Berlin : ePubli, 2013.
Pscheida, Daniela; Lorenz, Anja; Lißner, Andrea; Kahnwald, Nina (2013). The Course is Yours: Connecting Students and Teachers as Connectivist Learners with Open Online Courses. EDULEARN13, 5th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain. - Barcelona, Spain : International Association of Technology, Education and Development (iated), 2013.
Lux, Thomas; Schufft, Katharina; Lorenz, Anja (2013). Evaluating the Potential of Social Networking Services for Hospital Recruitment. 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2013. - ECIS 2013 Completed Research ; Paper 67. - Utrecht : AIS, 2013.
Mohamed, Bahaaeldin; Lorenz, Anja; Pscheida, Daniela (2013). The Fish Model: What factors affect participants while filling in an online questionnaire. 15th General Online Research Conference. - Mannheim : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Online-Forschung, 2013.
Lorenz, Anja (2013). NEUE LEBENS:WELT:KRISEN. Wie das Social Web Individuum und Gesellschaft verändert. In: FIfF-Kommunikation . - 30 . 2013 , 1 , S. 39 - 42.
Dinter, Barbara; Bucher, Tobias (2012). A Primer on the Engineering of Situational Methods for the Implementation and Advancement of Process-Oriented Information Logistics. In: Journal of Database Management . - 23 . 2012 , 1 , S. 31 - 48.
Lorenz, Anja; Einert, Annett; Dinter, Barbara (2012). FC WInf : Flipped Classroom in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. 10. Workshop on e-Learning, 20.09.2012, Görlitz, Seite(n): 147–157. - Görlitz : Zentrum für eLearning, 2012.
Lorenz, Anja (2012). Neue Lebens:Welt:Krisen. Wie das Social Web Individuum und Gesellschaft verändert. Jahrestagung des Forums InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e.V. (FIfF): "Digitalisierte Gesellschaft – Wege und Irrwege". 09.11.–11.11.2012, Hochschule Fulda., 2012.
Pscheida, Daniela; Lorenz, Anja; Albrecht, Steffen (2012). Wissenschaftskommunikation 2.0 – Welche Anforderungen stellen sich an Akteure und Infrastruktur. 5. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, 03.12. - 05.12.2012, Dresden., 2012.
Dinter, Barbara; Lorenz, Anja (2012). Social Business Intelligence : a Literature Review and Research Agenda. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 16-19, Orlando, USA. - Association for Information Systems (AIS), 2012.
Dinter, Barbara (2011). Ein Reifegradmodell für Business Intelligence-Lösungen: Konzeption und Ergebnisse einer Studie. In: HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. 48.2011, 279, S. 90 - 100.
Eckhardt, Ramona; Glöckner, Matthias; Gluchowski, Peter; Schwendel, Jens; Stietzel, Jacqueline; Wendt, Uwe (2010). elCon - Konzeption und Implementierung eines IT-gestützten Instruments für das Controlling des E-Learning-Einsatzes . Tagungsband Workshop on e-Learning, Zentrum für eLearning [Zfe] der Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz und des Internationalen Hochschulinstituts Zittau am 15.09.2010, 2010.
Bierer, Annett; Hofmann, Marcus (2009). The Role of Quality Management in Case-Based Reasoner´s Lifecycle. International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering, IKE 2009, July 13-16, 2009, Las Vegas Nevada, USA. - CSREA Press, 2009.
Bierer, Annett; Hofmann, Marcus (2009). Experience-based Orchestration of Services in SAP Enterprise SOA. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Semantic Web & Web Services, The 2009 International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS09), WORLDCOMP, Las Vegas, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
Bierer, Annett; Hofmann, Marcus (2009). Dimensions of Case-Based Reasoner Quality Management. Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development : 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2009 Seattle, WA, USA, July 20-23, 2009 Proceedings. - S. 90 - 104. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 5650.
Bierer, Annett; Hofmann, Marcus; Wendt, Uwe (2009). Fallbasiertes Schließen als Methode zur prozessbezogenen Auswahl von Composite-Applikationen in SAP Enterprise SOA . Wissenschaftliche Berichte: Informations- und Wissenstransfer mit neuen Medien. 20th International Scientific Conference Mittweida, am 29.10.2009.
Hofmann, Marcus (2009). Fallbasierte Speicherung und Wiederverwendung von Erfahrungswissen über die prozessbezogene Implementierung von Services in SAP® Enterprise-SOA. 2009. - 221 S..
Bierer, Annett; Meyer, Silke (2008). PLM-Systeme als unternehmensspezifische Fallbasis zur Kostenschätzung. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, 26.02.08-28.02.08, München, S. 507-518. - Berlin : GITO Verlag, 2008.
Bierer, Annett; Hofmann, Marcus (2008). Requirements for Managing Quality in CBR Systems. Trier : Tharax Verlag, 2008. - ECCBR 2008 – Workshop Proceedings. - S. 185 - 194.
Bierer, Annett (2007). Methodological Assistance for Integrating Data Quality Evaluations into Case-Based Reasoning Systems. Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development : 7th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2007 Belfast Northern Ireland, UK, August 13-16, 2007, Proceedings. - Berlin, Heidelberg, ... : Springer, 2007, S. 254 - 268. - Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; LNAI 4626. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Volume 4626/2007.