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Advanced Manufacturing


General questions

  1. Is it hard to find part-time jobs in Chemnitz?
    As a new student, it is comparatively harder to find job as a student worker at the university as the Professors usually prefer students from higher semesters. But, if you are able to prove to your skills to a professor, then you will definitely have a good chance for being employed .
    Chemnitz has a lot of opportunities for doing odd jobs like moving packages, working in a restaurant, etc. The ease of finding such jobs depends on your German language level. If you are at a level where you can understand and talk with your colleagues, then your chances of getting the part time job is higher.
  2. Is Chemnitz safe for international students?
    Chemnitz is a safe city to study and live in because it already has a big international community, with a majority of them being students. Therefore, the citizens of Chemnitz are already used to living together with internationals. But, if you perceive that a German person is ignoring you, it is not because they are racist, but because that is their nature- to keep to themselves.
  3. What German proficiency do we need to live in Chemnitz?
    To work in Chemnitz, a German proficiency of B1-B2 is recommended but not necessary. As mentioned in the previous answer, having a good German proficiency increases your chances of finding better jobs.
  4. Is Chemnitz an expensive city?
    Chemnitz is one of the cheapest cities in Germany. The average housing rent per square meter in Chemnitz is 5.1€ compared to 18.48€ of Munich (Source). This makes the overall living expenses very cheap and student-friendly in Chemnitz.
  5. What skills do I need to acquire before coming to Chemnitz?
    Language skills must be your 1st priority as they help you through your student life and, when starting your professional career. It is also important to develop the attitude of working and taking initiative independently. Instead of mailing or calling the university staff for information you could take initiative and refer to the information already existing on the Advanced Manufacturing website. This proactive attitude is extremely important, not just in TU Chemnitz, but also when you start working.


Before reaching Chemnitz

  1. How long does it take to receive news of acceptance or rejection from TU Chemnitz?
    It takes around 8 weeks before you are notified of a decision from the university. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM THE UNIVERSITY with queries of your application status.
  2. What should I do after getting an acceptance from TU Chemnitz?
    Along with the news, you will receive an official certificate of acceptance from TU Chemnitz. Attached to this certificate are the steps you must do to finalise your enrolment, reserve a dorm room, etc. These steps must be done as soon as possible to avoid confusion or stress. 
  3. What should I do if I do not have proof of A1 German proficiency yet?
    For the winter semester 2024-2025, you would receive a conditional admission into TU Chemnitz. You must submit official A1 certification during enrolment. No exemptions will be accepted. If you fail to do so, you cannot be enrolled as an official student of TU Chemnitz.
  4. I could not get a student dorm room. What other alternatives do I have?
    Private apartments are an alternative to be considered. Chemnitz has various cheap and neat options available which can be found in GGG or  WG-gesucht websites.
  5. I paid the semester contribution to the university but did not get a reply yet. What should I do?
    During the admissions time, there is a huge influx of new students and consequently, the admissions office will take longer than usual to respond to you. But as long as you have entered the correct bank details, you can rest assured that the funds have been transferred to the university. Therefore, please give the office more time to respond to you instead of spamming them with messages, as spamming often delays the entire process.
  6. I have received an admission from TU Chemnitz, but I cannot make it to the university on time due to visa issues. What should I do?
    You can enrol yourself online and become an official student of TU Chemnitz. As a student, you can access most of the learning content, like presentations, of every module. But you cannot take part in the lectures online. Therefore, the lectures, along with all the exams, can only be attended in-presence at TU Chemnitz. “Engineering Mathematics” is the only online course that takes place in October and November. So, you can attend the lectures and write the tests online from your home country.
    Further challenges you might face could be non-availability of student dorms, missing student treks or student networking opportunities, etc. 
  7. I have applied for a VISA already, but I have not received it yet. Can the university help me in any way?
    Unfortunately, TU Chemnitz cannot influence what happens in your home country. So, you could try contacting the VISA office in your home country to find out the current status of your application. Therefore, PLEASE DO NOT SPAM the admissions office.


In Chemnitz

  1. What should I do with the SEPA mandate for paying the semester fee? 
    After filling and signing the SEPA mandate, please drop it into the mailbox of the Studierenden Service. After this, it will take 3-4 working days to get a confirmation about the activation of your SEPA.
  2. Does the time I spend on my research project, internship and master thesis come under the 140 full workdays/ 280 half workdays permitted by the Foreigners Office?
    No, it does not.
  3. I would like to participate in the ERASMUS program to study at another university. Where can I get more information about this?
    The ERASMUS + program is an exciting opportunity to study, do internships or thesis in other European countries. The information about the program, partner universities, scholarship opportunities and the contact person details can be found on the ERASMUS+ page of TU Chemnitz.
  4. Is there a template for the research project and the master thesis that I could use?
    Please ask the professorship at which you are working for a template. Only if you they do not have any such thing, can you use the template of SGT.
  5. Can I work on research project and my master thesis at the same time?
    These two tasks are consecutive. You need 85 credit points to register your master thesis. You can only get them after finishing your research project.
    Furthermore, the effort to be dedicated to a research project is the same as a half-time job (4 hours per day) and master thesis is a full-time job- 8 hours per day. Therefore, putting in effort towards your research project and master thesis at the same time is not possible. 
  6. Can I get some guidance with planning my studies?
    Please refer to the “Study Plan” section of the Advanced Manufacturing website.
  7. What job opportunities are available to me as a student?
    Please refer to the “Student Jobs” section of the Advanced Manufacturing website for jobs within the university. 


After graduation

  1. How are the working opportunities after graduation?
    There are ample work opportunities available for the students of advanced manufacturing. The type and the number of opportunities which open up to you are completely dependent on how you have used your time at the university. If you were proactive and used your time to develop your German language skills and engage in projects to build up experience at the university, you can show this to your interviewers to build a strong case for yourself. On the other hand, if you have been rather passive and only completed the modules, the number and quality of working opportunities decrease substantially.