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Advanced Manufacturing
Start your studies
Advanced Manufacturing  

Start your studies

Firstly, congratulations on your admission and successful enrolment into the programme. This section contains information about the important tasks you should do after your enrolment. These tasks include creating your own study plan, choosing your specialization, familiarising yourself with the university websites, etc., all of which is described below.

It is crucial you realize that the responsibility of completing these tasks lies with you. Therefore, you must inform yourself of the valuable information and be proactive with your actions, making sure that they align with the career that you envisioned for yourself.


Campus Portal

Registration for the subsequent semesters, exam registration and de-registration, evaluation of results, change of modules, enrolment for post-graduation, etc., can all be done through the campus portal.

If you completed your enrolment process, you need to enter your credentials and login through the 'Registration student / employee' option, but if you have not completed your enrolment, you should login through the 'Registration applicant' option.


OPAL Portal

The OPAL Portal contains most of the online learning content offered at TU Chemnitz. Once you have decided which modules you will take for the current semester, you can enrol for them using this portal. In this portal, every module has its own space where everything relevant to the subject - the study material, online classroom links, schedules, forums, etc., are uploaded. Hence this portal is all you need to stay updated with the information concerning a module.

To login to this portal, select 'TU Chemnitz' from the list of universities and enter your login credentials in the next page that opens. If you are not yet completely enrolled in the university, the modules you can access are limited but after the completion of your enrolment, you can access all of them.

This portal is also a database for the modules offered in all the Saxon universities. You can access information of these modules by clicking on the 'Catalogue' option once you login.


TUC Webmail

All the communication to and from the university, professors and other teaching staff will be done through the TUC Webmail. If you do not like the idea of a personal mailbox and a university mailbox, you can also set the university webmail to forward all its emails to your personal mailbox. Whatever be your preference, it is absolutely important that you check your mails regularly as important information like deadlines, registrations and even student job, internship and thesis offers will be communicated to you through the university webmail.


Choice of Specialization

Choosing your specialization is an important decision. Therefore, you should make this decision after examining all the available information.

The Advanced Manufacturing programme offers 4 specializations, each of which specializes in different topics. They are:

  1. Hybrid Technologies
  2. Printed Functionalities
  3. Work Design and Sustainability Management
  4. Smart Production

A detailed description of the modules in every specialization can be found in the documents linked below. You should go through them to gain an understanding of each module to choose the specialization you like. This step should be done before reaching Chemnitz so that you might have a basic idea of what each specialization is about. Any detailed questions can be clarified with your student mentor once you arrive in Chemnitz.

A quite common question that almost all students ask is "How are the job prospects in the XYZ specialization? I would like to choose my specialization based on that." While it is important to consider the prospects of the specialization you choose, it should not be the sole deciding factor. It is also important to choose the specialization you like and are interested in because you will put more energy and time in what you like rather than in what you do not. Therefore, we strongly advise you to read the documents thoroughly and choose a specialization you are interested in and for which you might give your 120%.

For choosing your specialization you have to fill the study plan (see below) and select also in the SB service the specialization line you want to study.

Please have a look at the study documents:


Study Plan

As soon as you have decided on your specialization, you should start working on creating your own study plan. It is your personal plan that lays out which module you intend to take in which semester. This is particularly important because of two reasons. Firstly, you have a defined plan for every semester. That way, you enter each semester with a clear head and clear goals and can dedicate all your efforts to these goals rather than worrying about the next semesters. The second reason is that the study plan informs the university which specialization you have chosen.

Your specialization is decided based on which result the examination office receives first. Therefore, if you decide to take an elective (a module outside your specialization), and if the examination office receives this result first, your choice of specialization will be wrongly set in the university database. This will create big problems for you in your later semesters. Therefore, you should create your study plan as soon as possible, SIGN IT and drop it in the letterbox in front of Office No C24.131 before your exams start to prevent any confusion with the choice of your specialization.


Central Examination Office

All the exams of TU Chemnitz are organized by the Central Examination Office ("Zentrales Prüfungsamt"). Therefore, all the relevant information like exam schedules, cancelling or withdrawing an exam, etc., is available on their website. Furthermore, this office is also responsible for registering your master thesis and the information about the same can be found on their website.


Mathematics Exam

In your first semester, you have a module titled 'Mathematics for Engineering Science'. This module builds on the basic module and deals with topics that are very essential for the master's program. The topics taught in this module are:

  • Linear Algebra
  • Differential calculus
  • Integral calculus
  • Fourier and Laplace Transforms
  • Differential Equations

Unlike the basic mathematics module, this is a mandatory module.