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Advanced Manufacturing
Further Information
Advanced Manufacturing  

Further Information

On this page you find additional information, so please make yourself familiar with all services offered by TU Chemnitz  and others.

University Computing Centre

With over 200 services, the University Computing centre (URZ) (Universitätsrechenzentrum) supports students and staff in their everyday life at university. The introductory website (German and English) presents the most important services for the start of studies and provides a quick overview with brief notes and helpful links. A recording of the introductory event from an earlier orientation week is also linked on the homepage.




International Info-Desk

If you are an international student and want some information about doing a PhD or the ERASMUS Exchange or networking opportunities or anything else relevant to an international student, then the International Office (IUZ) is the department for you. It is a great source of information, and you can find all the help you need inside their website. Information about many more events and services is given on their website and we encourage you to check it out for yourself. Should you have further questions, please contact the IUZ team using the contact details provided.

The International Office also has a special program for the new students called the Student Buddy Program. In this program, an older and experienced student helps the new student with his first steps in Chemnitz like picking him up from the railway station, city registration, city tour, university tour, etc. The IUZ also organises trips outside Chemnitz whereby you can get to see the beautiful countryside. Hence, this immensely helpful for you to find your bearings as a new student and we strongly recommend you make use of this initiative. You can easily register for this program on the IUZ website.


Student Jobs

Student Jobs within the university (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft HiWi) strike the perfect balance between academics, accumulating experience, expanding your professional network while you earn money. The same is also possible when working in a company as a working student (Werkstudent). It is important to note that as a student you can only work for 20 hours per week and for 120 full days (40 hours/week) or 240 half days (20 hours/week) per year. You can only exceed these numbers if you are doing a job in the academic field, for example working as a research assistant at the university.

https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/international/incoming/documents/Arbeitsmoeglichkeiten von auslaendischen Studierenden.pdf

There are different ways you can apply for a job:

  1. The TU Chemnitz Job Portal: All the available jobs- part-time or full-time, internships and master thesis opportunities are posted here.
  2. TUC Career Service (see more details below)
  3. On-going research in different professorships: There are different professorships within the mechanical engineering department and each of these professorships has its own on-going research and projects. You can check out the description of these projects and if interested, you can send your application to the contact person specified.


Career Service

The Career Service is a department of TU Chemnitz offering invaluable information during all phases of your study. They offer advice for new students as well as old students with structuring your studies, crafting a good resume, applying for internships or thesis and also help you with your transition from a student to a working professional after the completion of your studies. They also organise exciting events like educational excursions, job fairs, workshops all of which are intended to equip you with the tools necessary to be successful in your professional life. In case you have any specific questions, they are also available for personal appointments. You should make use of this opportunity to clear any doubts you have about your career and to shape into a rewarding one.



The Studentenwerk is responsible for many things in your student life like the student dormitories, cafeterias, BAföG, counselling services and leisure activities.

The studentenwerk has different types of student dormitories to offer for students. Their website contains information like the floor plan, location, furnishing, additional facilities and details of your janitor. Please look at all the dorms and choose the one that best suits you. You can easily register for the dorms online and they will get back to you as soon as possible with further information.

In addition to the dorms, the cafeterias are also managed by the studentenwerk. They offer tasty food containing even vegetarian and vegan options, for extremely low prices for students. They are located close to the university thus making it very convenient to grab a quick lunch before heading to your class or student job. Their locations and the opening times can be found on the studentenwerk website . If you think it's not worth going there because you do not know the menu, the cafeteria has got you covered! The menu for the entire week is uploaded on their website and you can use that to make up your mind.



As a student you are eligible for various scholarships like the DAAD Scholarship, German Scholarship (Deutschland Stipendium), etc. The requirements and the application periods for each scholarship is different and you should keep track of them. More information on this topic can be found in the website of IUZ.


Sport and Leisure

Keep your body in shape! "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". This saying is especially true when you are doing your masters and working on your computer all day. You need to take time to get your blood pumping and give your body a chance to breathe and relax. That is where the Zentrum für Sport und Gesundheitsförderung (ZfSG) comes in. The ZfSG offers a wide range of sporting activities ranging from rugby till yoga either for free or for extremely low prices. A comprehensive list of the activities offered along with the registration deadlines can be found on their website here. All you need to do is see what sport you like to do and register for it on their website. You should be quick with the registration as all the sports are always in demand and the vacancies get filled up in the blink of an eye.


Student Activities

"Chemnitz is a small town and there is not a lot see and experience if you live there.” You must have heard these lines from a lot of people and probably even agree with them. But we at the study course of Advanced Manufacturing are breaking this rumour one trip and one excursion at a time. As Advanced Manufacturing study group, we have already visited multiple places like the Industriemuseum, Horch Museum, Augustusburg, etc. These events have proved to help the students with getting to know each other and the city in which they live. Check out the students’ experiences in their own words in the sections below.

Each activitiy will be announced via Mailingslist and managed via Opal. So please check your university mails also for this reason!

On November 23, 2024 and on November 30, 2024, around 70 students from the Advanced Manufacturing program had the opportunity to visit the Industrial Museum of Chemnitz. The museum offers a fascinating insight into 220 years of Saxony’s industrial history. Located in a historic building complex originally constructed in the early 20th century as a foundry and machine hall, the site was carefully renovated between 1999 and 2002, making it an ideal location to showcase the evolution of industry. The exhibition is organized into thematic sections- mining, textiles, machinery, automobile manufacturing, and the social impacts of industrialization.


The basement features a rare collection of fully operational textile machines, some dating back to the late 19th century. These machines can be observed in action, offering a hands-on understanding of Saxony’s rich textile heritage. The textile industry was one of the most significant areas of Saxony's economy. One particularly interesting part of the museum is the belt-driven workshop machinery section, which includes lathes, drilling machines, milling machines, planers, and grinders. This display shows how factories were powered during the industrial revolution.

Visiting the Industrial Museum of Chemnitz is highly recommended for anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive and engaging look at the industrial achievements that shaped Saxony. The museum offers an inspiring view of past innovations and their continuing impact on modern industries.


On April 13, 2024, 50 students of Advanced Manufacturing went on a trip to the Horch Museum in Zwickau. The company Horch (meaning in German- Hear!) and Audi (meaning in Latin- Hear!) were founded by the pioneer- August Horch. A guided tour was organized for the students in the English language which was approximately 2 hours. The students were told how August Horch created the firm in 1909 in Zwickau which led to the production of the best-selling luxury cars till the 1940s, and how it later became a part of the Auto Union. The Auto Union comprising of the four companies- Audi, Horch, DKW, and Wanderer was formed in 1932 with each company represented by a ring. This is the reason behind the 4 rings of the Audi logo.


The tour showcased the works of August Horch- more than 160 cars that were manufactured before the second world war, most of which can still run to this day. The exhibit provided fascinating insights into the technologies employed for vehicle manufacture in the nineteenth century. The students learned how expert technicians from the era were able to make parts with less tolerances of up to 1 mm, which can still be observed in the automobiles on show today. The museum showed not only attractive cars but also inspiring motorcycles from the brands DKW and Wanderer. The evolution of technology and the vehicle design could be easily visualized as the tour guide led students went down the timeline. Finally the students were taken to the racing division of Audi which showcased the rivalry Audi had with Mercedes and the technologies that were invented to cross the finish line faster than their rivals. The almost little-to-no safety standards of the racing sport industry of that time amazed the students.

After the tour, students were impressed by the museum's rich history and thrilled to realise that they were studying in the same location where the Audi was founded.


Just outside of Chemnitz is the castle town of Augustusburg, home to the beautiful Schloss Augustusburg (Castle Augustusburg). Commissioned by the Elector of Saxony Augustus, the castle is nicknamed as the “Crown of the Ore Mountains”. To get here, we had to take a train from Chemnitz to Augustusburg. On reaching Augustusburg, we noticed that the castle sits at the top of a hill and it can be reached by trekking up the hill or by taking a cable car. We opted to trek up the hill so that we can talk with each other, have fun and take pictures along the way. It was the first time hiking up a hill for many students, so there was a mix of emotions ranging from how beautiful the scenery is to hurting feet. Nevertheless, we had a really fruitful time getting to know each other. After reaching the town, we had to walk for 10 minutes approximately to reach the castle. The castle has no one living in it, but has different museums in it- The Motorcycle museum which attracts moto enthusiasts from all over, the Carriage museum, Hunting and Ornithology museums and also the Castle Church which showcases arts of the Reformation. Since there were many sections, we were free to see what we want to and then have lunch together. After exploring the castle and lunch, it was time for an afternoon nap on the grass. In the late afternoon, we started trekking down the hill still having fun and naturally- taking pictures along the way. On reaching the train station, we took one final picture with the entire group and set off home to Chemnitz in the train. It was a day filled with awe, fun and too many pictures; all in all- a very good day.