Student Jobs, Thesis
NEW: Students of the Master course »Micro and Nano Systems« should apply for a research project on Bildungsportal Sachsen.
Description | (?)Type of Job | ||||||
In recent What will you do:
We are currently looking for students for bachelor and master theses. We can discuss ideas together to find the right topic for you. Join us as a student in our 200mm research fab and help us developing new technologies for photonic integrated circuits. What you bring along:
What you can expect:
We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled people are given preference if they are equally suitable. Contact: Marc Stevens < Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Processes / technology, Review of Literature | |||||||
#327 We offer a couple of open student positions in the field of modeling and simulation of semiconductor processes and materials. In our team we cover simulation of semi processes and materials from the atom to the wafer. We use methods from theoretical and computational physics for applications in semiconductor engineering. Our high performance computing systems are ready to be used for your innovative simulation projects. We look for students with a solid background in physics, mathematics, electrical engineering or related fields. You should be familiar with Python and have a strong interest to work with computers and software. Please contact us for details and for arrangement of individual student projects. Please provide a short note of motivation, describe your skills and give an overview of your recent marks. Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student Assistance, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis, Diploma Thesis Addressed topics: Electronics, Fluidics, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Others, Programming, Simulation | |||||||
In recent
What will you do Are We What you bring along: · · ·
What you can expect:
We value and promote the diversity Have we piqued your interest? Then Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis, Diploma Thesis Addressed topics: Electronics, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Optics, Measurement / analytics, Processes / technology, Review of Literature | |||||||
#323 Are you passionate about exploring Key Responsibilities:
We are currently offering Apply Now! Send your application to Dr. Nooshin
Apply today and help us unlock the Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project, Master-Thesis, Diploma Thesis Addressed topics: Electronics, MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Packaging, Design, Measurement / analytics, Programming, Review of Literature, Simulation | |||||||
#311 Der technologische Fortschritt im Bereich der Halbleiterindustrie beruht im Wesentlichen auf der fortgesetzten Miniaturisierung von integrierten Schaltungen und Mikro-Elektro-Mechanischen-Systemen (MEMS). Eine der Schlüsseltechnologien, um diese Skalierung zu erreichen ist die lithographische Strukturierung von Substraten. Gängige kritische Dimensionen dieser Strukturen liegen heutzutage im Bereich zwischen 20-100nm. Um diese Höchstauflösung zu ermöglichen, sind besondere Anforderungen an das Lithographietool und den zu verwendenden Lack zu stellen. Im Besonderen sollen die erzielten Lackprofile & Lackstrukturen im Rasterelektronenmikroskop (JEOL JSM7800 F) charakterisiert werden und für die nachfolgende Prozesstechnologie optimiert werden. Dabei soll ein neuartiges Lacksystem als Alternative zum HSQ-Lack, welches in Kooperation mit dem Lackhersteller Allresist GmbH entwickelt wird, untersucht werden: Die Aufgaben im Einzelnen:
Art der Arbeit: Bachelorarbeit, Projektarbeit, Masterarbeit Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Measurement / analytics, Processes / technology | |||||||
#313 Are you passionate about cutting-edge research at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and data science? Join us as a student in the exciting field of multi-energy X-ray imaging for more accurate diagnoses, improved treatment planning, and enhanced image quality across various applications in healthcare and beyond. This internship offers a unique opportunity to work on an innovative project that combines artificial intelligence (AI) with advanced medical imaging techniques. Qualifications:
We are currently seeking candidates for Master's theses, internships, and student assistant positions. Interested candidates should send their applications to Dr. Jan Langer. Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student Assistance, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others | |||||||
#314 Are you passionate about cutting-edge research at the intersection of hardware design and software programming? Join us as a student and help program heterogeneous compute platforms of the future, that incorporate FPGAs, GPUs and AI acceleration engines in the same device. These advanced platforms need new programming paradigms, software tools and languages to be utilized efficiently. In our group we strive to accelerate applications from medical engineering, machine learning and image processing on heterogeneous platforms. Qualifications:
We are currently seeking candidates for Master's theses, internships, and student assistant positions. Interested candidates should send their applications to Dr. Jan Langer. Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in the programmability of heterogeneous compute platforms! Apply now and be part of the Data-Based Methods team at Fraunhofer ENAS. Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student Assistance, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others | |||||||
#315 Are you passionate about developing application-driven computer vision pipelines for semiconductor metrology? Join our team as a student and contribute to the development of computer vision models for analyzing measurements of metrology devices. Our mission is to enhance the efficiency of semiconductor manufacturing by automating image analysis, utilizing web-based user interfaces and simplifying report generation. Key Responsibilities:
We are currently seeking candidates for Master's theses, internships, and student assistant positions. Please send your application to Dr. Jan Langer. Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in the programmability of heterogeneous compute platforms! Apply now and be part of the Data-Based Methods team at Fraunhofer ENAS. Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student Assistance, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others | |||||||
#316 Are you passionate about cutting-edge research at the intersection of semiconductor technology and artificial intelligence? Qualifications:
Please send your application to Dr. Jan Langer. Don't miss this opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research in the programmability of heterogeneous compute platforms! Apply now and be part of the Data-Based Methods team at Fraunhofer ENAS. Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student Assistance, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others | |||||||
#312 The particular strength of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS lies in the development of smart systems - so-called intelligent systems for various applications. The systems combine electronic components, micro and nano sensors and actuators with interfaces for communication. Fraunhofer ENAS develops individual components, the technologies for their production as well as system concepts and system integration technologies and transfers them into practical use. Fraunhofer ENAS accompanies customer projects from the idea to thedesign, technology development or implementation using existing technologies, right through to the tested prototype. The Data-based Methods team at Fraunhofer ENAS develops real-world applications using AI, machine learning and computer vision. The main focus is on semiconductor manufacturing and medical technology. We are currently looking for students for Master's theses, internships and student assistants. We can discuss our ideas together to find theright job for you. What you bring to the table?
We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnicand social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equalsuitability. Interested? Apply online now. We look forward to getting to know you! Dr. Jan Langer will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the position. Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student Assistance, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others | |||||||
#299 Ziel der Arbeit ist, mit Plasmaätzverfahren Gruben mit vertikalen Wänden in einkristallinem Silizium zu ätzen. Im Sinne einer Verbesserung des Umwelt- und Klimaschutzes dürfen hierfür keine fluorkohlenstoffhaltigen Prozeßgase zum Einsatz kommen. Aufgabenstellung
[1] V. T. H. Nguyen et al. , “The CORE Sequence: A Nanoscale Fluorocarbon-Free Silicon Plasma Etch Process Based on SF6/O2 Cycles with Excellent 3D Profile Control at Room Temperature”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology , Bd. 9, H. 2, Art. 24002, Jan. 2020. [2] V. T. H. Nguyen, E. Shkondin, F. Jensen, J. Hübner, P. Leussink, and H. Jansen, “Ultrahigh aspect ratio etching of silicon in SF6-O2 plasma: The clear-oxidize-remove-etch (CORE) sequence and chromium mask”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A , Bd. 38, H. 5, Art. 53002, Sep. 2020. [3] V. T. H. Nguyen, F. Jensen, J. Hübner, P. Leussink, and H. Jansen, “On the formation of black silicon in SF6-O2 plasma: The clear, oxidize, remove, and etch (CORE) sequence and black silicon on demand”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A , Bd. 38, H. 4, Art. 43004, Jul. 2020. [4] V. T. H. Nguyen, “Directional Nanoscale Silicon Etching using SF6 and O2 Plasma,” Diss., Dänemarks Technische Universität, 2020. Art der Arbeit: Projektarbeit Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project Addressed topics: MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Measurement / analytics, Processes / technology | |||||||
#285 In recent years, pronounced trends like the Internet of Things or 5G has led to more and more connected and digitalized cyber-physical systems. This results in an increased demand on embedded dedicated hardware security. Hence, unclonable, unpredictable and tamper-evident hardware security primitives, such as Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), became more and more important. In this context, emerging nanotechnologies based on nanomaterials such as Carbon Nanotube got into focus due to technological compatibility to CMOS as well as promising security features. Tasks:
Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis, Diploma Thesis Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Measurement / analytics, Processes / technology | |||||||
#307 Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollen Trockenätzversuche an SiO2 und Si3N4 auf Waferlevel durchgeführt, Versuchsparameter hinsichtlich Selektivität variiert und die Ergebnisse ausgewertet werden. Zu den Aufgaben zählen:
Literatur: [1] Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 17, 26 (1999); [2] J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 38, 050803 (2020); Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project Addressed topics: MEMS, Nano technology, Measurement / analytics, Processes / technology, Review of Literature | |||||||
#308 In den vergangenen Jahren ist unsere Elektronik Landschaft stark von Trends wie dem Internet der Dinge oder der Industrie 4.0 geprägt wurden. Inzwischen geht der Trend zu multifunktionalen Endgeräten, die neben Rechen- und Kommunikationsaufgaben auch sensorische Aufgaben zum Zwecke der Zustandsüberwachung übernehmen. Perspektivische Anwendungen zielen auf Point-of-Care-Diagnostik, Luft- und Lebensmittelüberwachung, oder der Analyse von krankheitsspezifischen Biomarkern in der ausgeatmeten Luft ab.
Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Measurement / analytics, Processes / technology | |||||||
#284 Die CarbonNanodevice Gruppe am ZfM/ Fraunhofer ENAS erforscht und entwickelt Kohlenstoff-basierende nano-elektronische Bauelemente für Elektronik und Sensoranwendungen. Es konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass mit einer noch nicht optimierten Kohlenstoffnanoröhren-Technologie die Performance von State-of-the-art Silizium Hochfrequenz-Transistoren erreicht werden kann. Hierfür wird hochspezielles und einzigartiges Equipment verwendet, welches auf die Integration und Vermessung von Nanomaterialien in Bauelementen und Systemen ausgelegten ist. Im Rahmen einer Studentenarbeit soll die Leistungsfähigkeit solcher HF Transistoren weiter verbessert werden. Aufgaben: Durchführung und Untersuchung von verschiedenen nass- und trochenchemischen Reinigungsprozeduren von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren in Feldeffekttransistoren. Die Verschiedenen Reinigungverfahren werden hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität durch XPS-Spektroskopie, Rasterkraftmikroskopie, Raman-Spektroskopie sowie durch elektrische Messungen der Transistoren charakterisiert. Speziell soll das Verfahren/ die Prozedur ermittelt werden, welche den Kontaktwiederstand zwischen Kohlenstoffnanoröhre und Metallelektrode minimiert. Voraussetzung:
Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Measurement / analytics, Processes / technology, Review of Literature | |||||||
#291 Ähnlich wie der Mensch reagiert das Vieh (Rinder) mit auffälligen Augenbewegungen, wenn es sich gestresst fühlt. Similar to humans, livestock (cattle) react with eye movements when they feel stressed.
Bitte senden sie Ihre Unterlagen mit aktuellem Notenspiegel an die untenstehenden Kontaktdaten. Start der Arbeit: ab sofort Art der Arbeit: Masterarbeit Arbeitsgebiet: Computer Vision Addressed topics: computer vision, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Bild/Videoanalyse Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Master-Thesis Addressed topics: Others, Programming, Simulation | |||||||
#298 Ziel der Arbeit ist, aluminiumbasierte Schichten zur Verwendung während des reaktiven Ionenätzens zu untersuchen. Wegen ihres geringeren Abtrags im Vergleich zu üblicherweise als Maskierung eingesetzten Stoffen wie Fotolack oder Siliziumdioxid werden längere und damit tiefere Ätzungen ermöglicht. Zum Einsatz können z. B. Schichten aus Aluminium, Aluminiumoxid, Aluminiumnitrid oder anderen Aluminiumverbindungen kommen. Die Untersuchungen sollen am Beispiel des tiefen Siliziumätzens (DRIE) erfolgen. Besonderes Augenmerk soll auf die Qualität des Ätzgrunds gerichtet werden. Zum Einstieg in die einschlägige Literatur kann [1-] herangezogen werden. Aufgabenstellung
[1] A. Bagolini, P. Scauso, S. Sanguinetti, and P. Bellutti, “Silicon Deep Reactive Ion Etching with aluminum hard mask”, Materials Research Express, Bd. 6, H. 8, Art. 085913, Mai 2019. [2] M.Drost, S. Marschmeyer, M. Fraschke, O. Fursenko, F. Bärwolf, I. Costina, M. K. Mahadevaiah, M. Lisker, “Etch mechanism of an Al2O3 hard mask in the Bosch process”, Micro and Nano Engineering, Bd. 14, Art. 100102, April 2022 [3] M. D. Henry, T. R. Young, and B. Griffin, “ScAlN etch mask for highly selective silicon etching” , Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Bd. 35, H. 5, Art. 052001, Sep. 2017. Art der Arbeit: Projektarbeit Contact: Apply for this job by email Possible as: Student research project Addressed topics: MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Processes / technology |
Labels: Student research project Student Assistance Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis Diploma Thesis PhD Position