The Smart Virtual Worker – Digitale Menschmodelle für die Simulation industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge
The Smart Virtual Worker – Digitale Menschmodelle für die Simulation industrieller Arbeitsvorgänge
erschienen: Juli 2014, Technische Sicherheit 7-8/2014, 32-35
author = {Nicholas Müller and Martina Truschzinski and Vera Fink and Julia Schuster and Helge Ülo Dinkelbach and Walentin Heft and Thomas Kronfeld and Christian Rau and M. Spitzhirn },
title = {{T}he {S}mart {V}irtual {W}orker – {D}igitale {M}enschmodelle für die {S}imulation industrieller {A}rbeitsvorgänge },
journal = {Technische Sicherheit 7-8/2014},
year = {2014},
month = {7},
pages = {32-35},
Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, M.Sc. Vera Fink, M.Sc. Julia Schuster, Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kronfeld, Dipl.-Inf. Christian Rau, M. Spitzhirn
Autoren: Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, M.Sc. Vera Fink, M.Sc. Julia Schuster, Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kronfeld, Dipl.-Inf. Christian Rau, M. SpitzhirnDaten:
erschienen: Juli 2014, Technische Sicherheit 7-8/2014, 32-35
title = {{T}he {S}mart {V}irtual {W}orker – {D}igitale {M}enschmodelle für die {S}imulation industrieller {A}rbeitsvorgänge },
journal = {Technische Sicherheit 7-8/2014},
year = {2014},
month = {7},
pages = {32-35},
Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, M.Sc. Vera Fink, M.Sc. Julia Schuster, Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Kronfeld, Dipl.-Inf. Christian Rau, M. Spitzhirn
Technische Sicherheit 7-8/2014 pages: 32-35
Erscheinungsdatum 7 2014
Anatomically correct adaption of kinematic skeletons to virtual humans
Anatomically correct adaption of kinematic skeletons to virtual humans
erschienen: Feb. 2014, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), 341-346
author = {Christian Rau and Guido Brunnett },
title = {{A}natomically correct adaption of kinematic skeletons to virtual humans },
journal = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP)},
year = {2014},
month = {2},
pages = {341-346},
Dipl.-Inf. Christian Rau, Prof. Dr. Guido Brunnett
Autoren: Dipl.-Inf. Christian Rau, Prof. Dr. Guido BrunnettDaten:
erschienen: Feb. 2014, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), 341-346
title = {{A}natomically correct adaption of kinematic skeletons to virtual humans },
journal = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP)},
year = {2014},
month = {2},
pages = {341-346},
Dipl.-Inf. Christian Rau, Prof. Dr. Guido Brunnett
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP) pages: 341-346
Erscheinungsdatum 2 2014
An Emotional Framework for a Real-Life Worker Simulation
An Emotional Framework for a Real-Life Worker Simulation
erschienen: 2014, HCI International 2014
author = {Nicholas Müller and Martina Truschzinski },
title = {{A}n {E}motional {F}ramework for a {R}eal-{L}ife {W}orker {S}imulation },
journal = {HCI International 2014},
year = {2014},
month = {},
Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski
Autoren: Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina TruschzinskiDaten:
erschienen: 2014, HCI International 2014
title = {{A}n {E}motional {F}ramework for a {R}eal-{L}ife {W}orker {S}imulation },
journal = {HCI International 2014},
year = {2014},
month = {},
Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski
HCI International 2014 pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2014
Deducing human emotions by robots: Computing basic non-verbal expressions of performed actions during a work task
Deducing human emotions by robots: Computing basic non-verbal expressions of performed actions during a work task
erschienen: 2014, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) 2014
author = {Martina Truschzinski and Nicholas Müller and Helge Ülo Dinkelbach and Peter Protzel and Fred Hamker and Peter Ohler },
title = {{D}educing human emotions by robots: {C}omputing basic non-verbal expressions of performed actions during a work task },
journal = {Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) 2014},
year = {2014},
month = {},
Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Protzel, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler
Autoren: Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Protzel, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Prof. Dr. Peter OhlerDaten:
erschienen: 2014, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) 2014
title = {{D}educing human emotions by robots: {C}omputing basic non-verbal expressions of performed actions during a work task },
journal = {Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) 2014},
year = {2014},
month = {},
Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Protzel, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler
Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC) 2014 pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2014