Evaluation von Touch-Gesten zur Steuerung eines nicht-humanoiden Roboters
Evaluation von Touch-Gesten zur Steuerung eines nicht-humanoiden Roboters
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Studierendensymposium Informatik 2016 der TU Chemnitz – Eibl, Maximilian; Geadke, Martin (Hrsg.), 51-62
author = {Anna Zywietz },
title = {{E}valuation von {T}ouch-{G}esten zur {S}teuerung eines nicht-humanoiden {R}oboters },
journal = {Studierendensymposium Informatik 2016 der TU Chemnitz – Eibl, Maximilian; Geadke, Martin (Hrsg.)},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
pages = {51-62},
Anna Zywietz
Autoren: Anna ZywietzDaten:
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Studierendensymposium Informatik 2016 der TU Chemnitz – Eibl, Maximilian; Geadke, Martin (Hrsg.), 51-62
title = {{E}valuation von {T}ouch-{G}esten zur {S}teuerung eines nicht-humanoiden {R}oboters },
journal = {Studierendensymposium Informatik 2016 der TU Chemnitz – Eibl, Maximilian; Geadke, Martin (Hrsg.)},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
pages = {51-62},
Anna Zywietz
Studierendensymposium Informatik 2016 der TU Chemnitz – Eibl, Maximilian; Geadke, Martin (Hrsg.) pages: 51-62
Erscheinungsdatum 9 2016
How to build and customize a high-resolution 3D laserscanner using off-the-shelf components
How to build and customize a high-resolution 3D laserscanner using off-the-shelf components
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Proc. of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS)
author = {Stefan Schubert and Peer Neubert and Peter Protzel },
title = {{H}ow to build and customize a high-resolution 3{D} laserscanner using off-the-shelf components },
journal = {Proc. of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS)},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
Stefan Schubert, Peer Neubert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Protzel
Autoren: Stefan Schubert, Peer Neubert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter ProtzelDaten:
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Proc. of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS)
title = {{H}ow to build and customize a high-resolution 3{D} laserscanner using off-the-shelf components },
journal = {Proc. of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS)},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
Stefan Schubert, Peer Neubert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Protzel
Proc. of Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 9 2016
Interaktion mit entfernten Displays durch See-Through Augmentation
Interaktion mit entfernten Displays durch See-Through Augmentation
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Mensch und Computer 2015. – Proceedings, 425-428
author = {Stefan Kahl and Benedikt Etzold and Maximilian Eibl },
title = {{I}nteraktion mit entfernten {D}isplays durch {S}ee-{T}hrough {A}ugmentation },
journal = {Mensch und Computer 2015. – Proceedings},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
pages = {425-428},
Stefan Kahl, Benedikt Etzold, Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl
Autoren: Stefan Kahl, Benedikt Etzold, Prof. Dr. Maximilian EiblDaten:
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Mensch und Computer 2015. – Proceedings, 425-428
title = {{I}nteraktion mit entfernten {D}isplays durch {S}ee-{T}hrough {A}ugmentation },
journal = {Mensch und Computer 2015. – Proceedings},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
pages = {425-428},
Stefan Kahl, Benedikt Etzold, Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl
Mensch und Computer 2015. – Proceedings pages: 425-428
Erscheinungsdatum 9 2016
Exploiting intra Database Similarities for Selection of Place Recognition Candidates in Changing Environments.
Exploiting intra Database Similarities for Selection of Place Recognition Candidates in Changing Environments.
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Proc. of. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, Boston, USA
author = {Peer Neubert and Stefan Schubert and Peter Protzel },
title = {{E}xploiting intra {D}atabase {S}imilarities for {S}election of {P}lace {R}ecognition {C}andidates in {C}hanging {E}nvironments. },
journal = {Proc. of. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, Boston, USA},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
Peer Neubert, Stefan Schubert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Protzel
Autoren: Peer Neubert, Stefan Schubert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter ProtzelDaten:
erschienen: 6. Sep. 2016, Proc. of. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, Boston, USA
title = {{E}xploiting intra {D}atabase {S}imilarities for {S}election of {P}lace {R}ecognition {C}andidates in {C}hanging {E}nvironments. },
journal = {Proc. of. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, Boston, USA},
year = {2016},
month = {9},
Peer Neubert, Stefan Schubert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Protzel
Proc. of. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments, Boston, USA pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 9 2016
Prediction of Deception and Sincerity from Speech using Automatic Phone Recognition-based Features
Prediction of Deception and Sincerity from Speech using Automatic Phone Recognition-based Features
erschienen: 15. Nov. 2016, 2036-2040
author = {Robert Herms },
title = {{P}rediction of {D}eception and {S}incerity from {S}peech using {A}utomatic {P}hone {R}ecognition-based {F}eatures },
year = {2016},
month = {11},
pages = {2036-2040},
Robert Herms
Autoren: Robert HermsDaten:
erschienen: 15. Nov. 2016, 2036-2040
title = {{P}rediction of {D}eception and {S}incerity from {S}peech using {A}utomatic {P}hone {R}ecognition-based {F}eatures },
year = {2016},
month = {11},
pages = {2036-2040},
Robert Herms
pages: 2036-2040
Erscheinungsdatum 11 2016
The Mental Organization of Air Traffic and its Implications to an Emotion Sensitive Assistance System
The Mental Organization of Air Traffic and its Implications to an Emotion Sensitive Assistance System
erschienen: 15. Nov. 2016, International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 8 (1&2), 164-174
author = {Linda Pfeiffer and Georg Valtin and Nicholas Müller },
title = {{T}he {M}ental {O}rganization of {A}ir {T}raffic and its {I}mplications to an {E}motion {S}ensitive {A}ssistance {S}ystem },
journal = {International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 8 (1&2)},
year = {2016},
month = {11},
pages = {164-174},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dr. Nicholas Müller
Autoren: Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dr. Nicholas MüllerDaten:
erschienen: 15. Nov. 2016, International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 8 (1&2), 164-174
title = {{T}he {M}ental {O}rganization of {A}ir {T}raffic and its {I}mplications to an {E}motion {S}ensitive {A}ssistance {S}ystem },
journal = {International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 8 (1&2)},
year = {2016},
month = {11},
pages = {164-174},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dr. Nicholas Müller
International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 8 (1&2) pages: 164-174
Erscheinungsdatum 11 2016
Advanced luminance control and black offset correction for multi-projector display systems
Advanced luminance control and black offset correction for multi-projector display systems
erschienen: 15. Nov. 2016, Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 12(4)
author = {Timon Zietlow and Marcel Heinz and Guido Brunnett },
title = {{A}dvanced luminance control and black offset correction for multi-projector display systems },
journal = {Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 12(4)},
year = {2016},
month = {11},
Timon Zietlow, Dipl.-Inf. Marcel Heinz, Prof. Dr. Guido Brunnett
Autoren: Timon Zietlow, Dipl.-Inf. Marcel Heinz, Prof. Dr. Guido BrunnettDaten:
erschienen: 15. Nov. 2016, Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 12(4)
title = {{A}dvanced luminance control and black offset correction for multi-projector display systems },
journal = {Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 12(4)},
year = {2016},
month = {11},
Timon Zietlow, Dipl.-Inf. Marcel Heinz, Prof. Dr. Guido Brunnett
Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 12(4) pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 11 2016
Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur altersgerechten Arbeitsgestaltung mittels digitaler Menschmodelle
Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur altersgerechten Arbeitsgestaltung mittels digitaler Menschmodelle
erschienen: 21. Okt. 2016, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Institutes für Betriebswissenschaften und Fabriksysteme, 227-238
author = {M. Spitzhirn and Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann },
title = {{E}ntwicklung eines {K}onzepts zur altersgerechten {A}rbeitsgestaltung mittels digitaler {M}enschmodelle },
journal = {Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Institutes für Betriebswissenschaften und Fabriksysteme},
year = {2016},
month = {10},
pages = {227-238},
M. Spitzhirn, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann
Autoren: M. Spitzhirn, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-HoffmannDaten:
erschienen: 21. Okt. 2016, Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Institutes für Betriebswissenschaften und Fabriksysteme, 227-238
title = {{E}ntwicklung eines {K}onzepts zur altersgerechten {A}rbeitsgestaltung mittels digitaler {M}enschmodelle },
journal = {Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Institutes für Betriebswissenschaften und Fabriksysteme},
year = {2016},
month = {10},
pages = {227-238},
M. Spitzhirn, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann
Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe des Institutes für Betriebswissenschaften und Fabriksysteme pages: 227-238
Erscheinungsdatum 10 2016
Virtual Aging – Nutzerbefragung zu Anforderungen und Bedarf zur Integration altersspezifischer Veränderungen des Menschen in digitale Menschmodelle
Virtual Aging – Nutzerbefragung zu Anforderungen und Bedarf zur Integration altersspezifischer Veränderungen des Menschen in digitale Menschmodelle
erschienen: 24. Juni 2016, 238-253
author = {M. Spitzhirn and Andre Kaiser and Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann },
title = {{V}irtual {A}ging – {N}utzerbefragung zu {A}nforderungen und {B}edarf zur {I}ntegration altersspezifischer {V}eränderungen des {M}enschen in digitale {M}enschmodelle },
year = {2016},
month = {06},
pages = {238-253},
M. Spitzhirn, Andre Kaiser, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann
Autoren: M. Spitzhirn, Andre Kaiser, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-HoffmannDaten:
erschienen: 24. Juni 2016, 238-253
title = {{V}irtual {A}ging – {N}utzerbefragung zu {A}nforderungen und {B}edarf zur {I}ntegration altersspezifischer {V}eränderungen des {M}enschen in digitale {M}enschmodelle },
year = {2016},
month = {06},
pages = {238-253},
M. Spitzhirn, Andre Kaiser, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann
pages: 238-253
Erscheinungsdatum 06 2016
Combining Inverse Blending and Jacobian-Based Inverse Kinematics to Improve Accuracy in Human Motion Generation: Combining Inverse Blending and Jacobian-Based IK
Combining Inverse Blending and Jacobian-Based Inverse Kinematics to Improve Accuracy in Human Motion Generation: Combining Inverse Blending and Jacobian-Based IK
erschienen: 2016, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 27 (1), 3-13
author = {Liang Zhang and Guido Brunnett },
title = {{C}ombining {I}nverse {B}lending and {J}acobian-{B}ased {I}nverse {K}inematics to {I}mprove {A}ccuracy in {H}uman {M}otion {G}eneration: {C}ombining {I}nverse {B}lending and {J}acobian-{B}ased {I}{K} },
journal = {Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 27 (1)},
year = {2016},
month = {},
pages = {3-13},
Dr. Ing. Liang Zhang, Prof. Dr. Guido Brunnett
Autoren: Dr. Ing. Liang Zhang, Prof. Dr. Guido BrunnettDaten:
erschienen: 2016, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 27 (1), 3-13
title = {{C}ombining {I}nverse {B}lending and {J}acobian-{B}ased {I}nverse {K}inematics to {I}mprove {A}ccuracy in {H}uman {M}otion {G}eneration: {C}ombining {I}nverse {B}lending and {J}acobian-{B}ased {I}{K} },
journal = {Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 27 (1)},
year = {2016},
month = {},
pages = {3-13},
Dr. Ing. Liang Zhang, Prof. Dr. Guido Brunnett
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 27 (1) pages: 3-13
Erscheinungsdatum 2016
Emotion-sensitive automation of air traffic control - Adapting air traffic control automation to user emotions
Emotion-sensitive automation of air traffic control - Adapting air traffic control automation to user emotions
erschienen: 2016, International Transportation, 36-39
author = {Jörg Buxbaum and Nicholas Müller and Peter Ohler and Linda Pfeiffer and Paul Rosenthal and Georg Valtin },
title = {{E}motion-sensitive automation of air traffic control - {A}dapting air traffic control automation to user emotions },
journal = {International Transportation},
year = {2016},
month = {},
pages = {36-39},
Jörg Buxbaum, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler, Linda Pfeiffer, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Dr. Georg Valtin
Autoren: Jörg Buxbaum, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler, Linda Pfeiffer, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Dr. Georg ValtinDaten:
erschienen: 2016, International Transportation, 36-39
title = {{E}motion-sensitive automation of air traffic control - {A}dapting air traffic control automation to user emotions },
journal = {International Transportation},
year = {2016},
month = {},
pages = {36-39},
Jörg Buxbaum, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Prof. Dr. Peter Ohler, Linda Pfeiffer, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Dr. Georg Valtin
International Transportation pages: 36-39
Erscheinungsdatum 2016