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Requirements of Development for Second Screen Applications in the Context of 3D Environment

Autoren: M.Sc. Vera Fink
submitted to: Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 1 2015

Results of the Experts Interview for Second Screen Applications in the Context of 3D Environment

Autoren: M.Sc. Vera Fink
Erscheinungsdatum 1 2015

Reinforcement Learning zur Planung von Arbeitsprozessen: Anwendung von Reinforcement Learning Methoden zur Planung von Arbeitsaufgaben im industriellen Bereich

Autoren: Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, M.Sc. Julia Schuster, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Industrie Management pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2015

An Approach for Intuitive Visualization of Ergonomic Issues

Autoren: Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, M. Spitzhirn, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
HCI International pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2015

A user-oriented approach for visualization of ergonomic data according to the digital human model ‘The Smart Virtual Worker’

Autoren: M. Spitzhirn, Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann
Erscheinungsdatum 2015

Emotionsmodell für zukünftige Mensch-Technik-Schnittstellen zur Unterstützung von Centerlotsen

Autoren: Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Dr. Nicholas Müller,
DGLR-Bericht 2015-01 pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2015

Aircraft in Your Head: How Air Traffic Controller Mentally Organize Air Traffic

Autoren: Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
Pascal Lorenz, Christian Bourret (Ed.): Proceedings of HUSO, the International Conference on Human and Social Analytics pages: 19-24
Erscheinungsdatum 2015

A Survey of Visual and Interactive Methods for Air Traffic Control Data

Autoren: Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation pages: 574-577
Erscheinungsdatum 2015

Analytical Steps for the calibration of an Emotional Framework – Pre-Test and Evaluation Procedures

Autoren: Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski
Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages: 512-519
Erscheinungsdatum 2015