Requirements of Development for Second Screen Applications in the Context of 3D Environment
Requirements of Development for Second Screen Applications in the Context of 3D Environment
erschienen: 1. Jan. 2015, submitted to: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
author = {Vera Fink },
title = {{R}equirements of {D}evelopment for {S}econd {S}creen {A}pplications in the {C}ontext of 3{D} {E}nvironment },
journal = {submitted to: Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = {2015},
month = {1},
M.Sc. Vera Fink
Autoren: M.Sc. Vera FinkDaten:
erschienen: 1. Jan. 2015, submitted to: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
title = {{R}equirements of {D}evelopment for {S}econd {S}creen {A}pplications in the {C}ontext of 3{D} {E}nvironment },
journal = {submitted to: Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = {2015},
month = {1},
M.Sc. Vera Fink
submitted to: Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 1 2015
Results of the Experts Interview for Second Screen Applications in the Context of 3D Environment
Results of the Experts Interview for Second Screen Applications in the Context of 3D Environment
erschienen: 1. Jan. 2015
author = {Vera Fink },
title = {{R}esults of the {E}xperts {I}nterview for {S}econd {S}creen {A}pplications in the {C}ontext of 3{D} {E}nvironment },
year = {2015},
month = {1},
M.Sc. Vera Fink
Autoren: M.Sc. Vera FinkDaten:
erschienen: 1. Jan. 2015
title = {{R}esults of the {E}xperts {I}nterview for {S}econd {S}creen {A}pplications in the {C}ontext of 3{D} {E}nvironment },
year = {2015},
month = {1},
M.Sc. Vera Fink
Erscheinungsdatum 1 2015
Reinforcement Learning zur Planung von Arbeitsprozessen: Anwendung von Reinforcement Learning Methoden zur Planung von Arbeitsaufgaben im industriellen Bereich
Reinforcement Learning zur Planung von Arbeitsprozessen: Anwendung von Reinforcement Learning Methoden zur Planung von Arbeitsaufgaben im industriellen Bereich
erschienen: 2015, Industrie Management
author = {Helge Ülo Dinkelbach and Julia Schuster and Fred Hamker },
title = {{R}einforcement {L}earning zur {P}lanung von {A}rbeitsprozessen: {A}nwendung von {R}einforcement {L}earning {M}ethoden zur {P}lanung von {A}rbeitsaufgaben im industriellen {B}ereich },
journal = {Industrie Management},
year = {2015},
month = {},
Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, M.Sc. Julia Schuster, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Autoren: Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, M.Sc. Julia Schuster, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker Daten:
erschienen: 2015, Industrie Management
title = {{R}einforcement {L}earning zur {P}lanung von {A}rbeitsprozessen: {A}nwendung von {R}einforcement {L}earning {M}ethoden zur {P}lanung von {A}rbeitsaufgaben im industriellen {B}ereich },
journal = {Industrie Management},
year = {2015},
month = {},
Helge Ülo Dinkelbach, M.Sc. Julia Schuster, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Industrie Management pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2015
An Approach for Intuitive Visualization of Ergonomic Issues
An Approach for Intuitive Visualization of Ergonomic Issues
erschienen: 2015, HCI International
author = {Walentin Heft and M. Spitzhirn and Paul Rosenthal },
title = {{A}n {A}pproach for {I}ntuitive {V}isualization of {E}rgonomic {I}ssues },
journal = {HCI International},
year = {2015},
month = {},
Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, M. Spitzhirn, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
Autoren: Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, M. Spitzhirn, Jun. Prof. Paul RosenthalDaten:
erschienen: 2015, HCI International
title = {{A}n {A}pproach for {I}ntuitive {V}isualization of {E}rgonomic {I}ssues },
journal = {HCI International},
year = {2015},
month = {},
Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, M. Spitzhirn, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
HCI International pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2015
A user-oriented approach for visualization of ergonomic data according to the digital human model ‘The Smart Virtual Worker’
A user-oriented approach for visualization of ergonomic data according to the digital human model ‘The Smart Virtual Worker’
erschienen: 2015
author = {M. Spitzhirn and Walentin Heft and Paul Rosenthal and Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann },
title = {{A} user-oriented approach for visualization of ergonomic data according to the digital human model ‘{T}he {S}mart {V}irtual {W}orker’ },
year = {2015},
month = {},
M. Spitzhirn, Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann
Autoren: M. Spitzhirn, Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-HoffmannDaten:
erschienen: 2015
title = {{A} user-oriented approach for visualization of ergonomic data according to the digital human model ‘{T}he {S}mart {V}irtual {W}orker’ },
year = {2015},
month = {},
M. Spitzhirn, Dipl.-Inf. Walentin Heft, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann
Erscheinungsdatum 2015
Emotionsmodell für zukünftige Mensch-Technik-Schnittstellen zur Unterstützung von Centerlotsen
Emotionsmodell für zukünftige Mensch-Technik-Schnittstellen zur Unterstützung von Centerlotsen
erschienen: 2015, DGLR-Bericht 2015-01
author = {Linda Pfeiffer and Georg Valtin and Martina Truschzinski and Paul Rosenthal and Nicholas Müller and },
title = {{E}motionsmodell für zukünftige {M}ensch-{T}echnik-{S}chnittstellen zur {U}nterstützung von {C}enterlotsen },
journal = {DGLR-Bericht 2015-01},
year = {2015},
month = {},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Dr. Nicholas Müller,
Autoren: Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Daten:
erschienen: 2015, DGLR-Bericht 2015-01
title = {{E}motionsmodell für zukünftige {M}ensch-{T}echnik-{S}chnittstellen zur {U}nterstützung von {C}enterlotsen },
journal = {DGLR-Bericht 2015-01},
year = {2015},
month = {},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal, Dr. Nicholas Müller,
DGLR-Bericht 2015-01 pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2015
Aircraft in Your Head: How Air Traffic Controller Mentally Organize Air Traffic
Aircraft in Your Head: How Air Traffic Controller Mentally Organize Air Traffic
erschienen: 2015, Pascal Lorenz, Christian Bourret (Ed.): Proceedings of HUSO, the International Conference on Human and Social Analytics, 19-24
author = {Linda Pfeiffer and Georg Valtin and Nicholas Müller and Paul Rosenthal },
title = {{A}ircraft in {Y}our {H}ead: {H}ow {A}ir {T}raffic {C}ontroller {M}entally {O}rganize {A}ir {T}raffic },
journal = {Pascal Lorenz, Christian Bourret (Ed.): Proceedings of HUSO, the International Conference on Human and Social Analytics},
year = {2015},
month = {},
pages = {19-24},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
Autoren: Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul RosenthalDaten:
erschienen: 2015, Pascal Lorenz, Christian Bourret (Ed.): Proceedings of HUSO, the International Conference on Human and Social Analytics, 19-24
title = {{A}ircraft in {Y}our {H}ead: {H}ow {A}ir {T}raffic {C}ontroller {M}entally {O}rganize {A}ir {T}raffic },
journal = {Pascal Lorenz, Christian Bourret (Ed.): Proceedings of HUSO, the International Conference on Human and Social Analytics},
year = {2015},
month = {},
pages = {19-24},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Georg Valtin, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
Pascal Lorenz, Christian Bourret (Ed.): Proceedings of HUSO, the International Conference on Human and Social Analytics pages: 19-24
Erscheinungsdatum 2015
A Survey of Visual and Interactive Methods for Air Traffic Control Data
A Survey of Visual and Interactive Methods for Air Traffic Control Data
erschienen: 2015, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation, 574-577
author = {Linda Pfeiffer and Nicholas Müller and Paul Rosenthal },
title = {{A} {S}urvey of {V}isual and {I}nteractive {M}ethods for {A}ir {T}raffic {C}ontrol {D}ata },
journal = { Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation},
year = {2015},
month = {},
pages = {574-577},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
Autoren: Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul RosenthalDaten:
erschienen: 2015, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation, 574-577
title = {{A} {S}urvey of {V}isual and {I}nteractive {M}ethods for {A}ir {T}raffic {C}ontrol {D}ata },
journal = { Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation},
year = {2015},
month = {},
pages = {574-577},
Linda Pfeiffer, Dr. Nicholas Müller, Jun. Prof. Paul Rosenthal
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation pages: 574-577
Erscheinungsdatum 2015
Analytical Steps for the calibration of an Emotional Framework – Pre-Test and Evaluation Procedures
Analytical Steps for the calibration of an Emotional Framework – Pre-Test and Evaluation Procedures
erschienen: 2015, Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 512-519
author = {Nicholas Müller and Martina Truschzinski },
title = {{A}nalytical {S}teps for the calibration of an {E}motional {F}ramework – {P}re-{T}est and {E}valuation {P}rocedures },
journal = {Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = {2015},
month = {},
pages = {512-519},
Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski
Autoren: Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina TruschzinskiDaten:
erschienen: 2015, Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 512-519
title = {{A}nalytical {S}teps for the calibration of an {E}motional {F}ramework – {P}re-{T}est and {E}valuation {P}rocedures },
journal = {Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = {2015},
month = {},
pages = {512-519},
Dr. Nicholas Müller, Dipl. Inf. Martina Truschzinski
Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science Human-Computer Interaction: Design and Evaluation Lecture Notes in Computer Science pages: 512-519
Erscheinungsdatum 2015