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Professur Smart Systems Integration
Professur Smart Systems Integration 


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Jahr 2019


Arnold,B.; Rost,F.; Decker,R.; Bauer,A.; Tsapkolenko,A.; Heinrich,M.; Gessner,T.; Rzepka,S.; Otto,T.; Michel,B.; Mehner,J.; Kroll,L.: Chapter Technologien für die Integration miniaturisierter Silizium-Sensorsysteme. in the book: Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen – Ressourceneffizienz durch die Schlüsseltechnologie „Leichtbau“, ed. by Kroll, Lothar (2019) pp 485-515 (ISBN 978-3-662-54733-5, 978-3-662-54734-2)
Bullinger-Hoffmann,A.C.; Kroll,L.; Otto,T.; Weiss,A.; Kaiser,A.; Langenickel,J.; Meyer,M.: Chapter Integration von QD-LEDs in Spritzgießstrukturen. in the book: Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen – Ressourceneffizienz durch die Schlüsseltechnologie „Leichtbau“, ed. by Kroll, Lothar (2019) pp 323-346 (ISBN 978-3-662-54733-5, 978-3-662-54734-2)
D.R.T.Zahn; Schulz,S.E.; Hiller,K.; Wagner,C.; Reuter,D.; Otto,T.: Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems (ISSN 1862-6319)
Goetze,U.; Kroll,L.; Otto,T.; Gessner,T.; Schmidt,A.; Lipowski,M.; Schueller,M.; Stiehl,C.; Symmank,C.; Walther,M.: Chapter Integration funktionaler elektronischer Elemente. in the book: Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen – Ressourceneffizienz durch die Schlüsseltechnologie „Leichtbau“, ed. by Kroll, Lothar (2019) pp 419-439 (ISBN 978-3-662-54733-5, 978-3-662-54734-2)
Grossmann,T.D.: Chapter Umsetzung von Zero-Power Sensoren mit Metamaterialien für Anwendungen im Strukturleichtbau. in the book: Jahresbericht 2018, ed. by Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS (2019) p 71
Grossmann,T.D.; Hartwig,M.; Heinrich,M.; Kurth,S.; Baumann,R.R.; Otto,T.; Gessner,T.: Chapter Mikro- und Nanosystemintegration in Leichtbaustrukturen - Technologien zur Integration von Metaflächen. in the book: Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen, ed. by Kroll, L. (2019) pp 458-484 (ISBN 978-3-662-54733-5)
Helke,C.: Herstellung von neuartigen Reflektorsystemen und Erarbeitung einer systembezogenen Integrationstechnologie für VIS und IR Fabry-Pérot Interferometer (Dissertation), p 206 (ISBN 978-3-96100-088-3)
Huebler,A.C.; Nestler,D.; Otto,T.; Wagner,G.; Wielage,B.; Gessner,T.; Fuegmann,U.; Wett,D.; Boeddicker,A.; Ebert,F.; Karapepas,C.; Reimann,N.; Seider,T.: Chapter Kontinuierliche Fertigung intelligenter hybrider Verbunde. in the book: Technologiefusion für multifunktionale Leichtbaustrukturen - Ressourceneffizienz durch die Schlüsseltechnologie „Leichtbau“, ed. by Kroll, Lothar (2019) pp 125-148 (ISBN 978-3-662-54733-5, 978-3-662-54734-2)
Otto,T.; Baumann,R.R.; Zichner,R.: Chapter Go Beyond 4.0 Lighthouse Project. in the book: Digital Transformation, ed. by Neugebauer, Reimund (2019) pp 215-229 (ISBN 978-3-662-58133-9, 978-3-662-58134-6)


Andrea Preuss; Sebastian Notz; Eduard Kovalski; Marcus Korb; Thomas Blaudeck; Xiao Hu; Joerg Schuster ; Dominique Miesel; Tobias Rueffer; Alexander Hildebrandt; Katja Schreiter; Stefan Spange; Stefan E.Schulz; Heinrich Lang: Ferrocenyl‐Pyrenes, Ferrocenyl‐9,10‐Phenanthrenediones, and Ferrocenyl‐9,10‐Dimethoxyphenanthrenes: Charge Transfer Studies and SWCNT Functionalization. Chemistry–A European Journal
Baum,M.; Saeidi,N.; Wiemer,M.; Otto,T.: Miniaturized Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer Arrays for personalized Medicine. 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, 2019 Jul 23-27; Proceedings
Blaudeck,T.; Preuss,A.; Scharf,S.; Notz,S.; Kossmann,A.; Hartmann,S.; Kasper,L.; Mendes,R.G.; Gemming,T.; Hermann,S.; Lang,H.; Schulz,S.E.: Photosensitive Field‐Effect Transistors Made from Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes and Non‐Covalently Attached Gold Nanoparticles. "Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems", physica status solidi (a), 216, 19 (2019) p 1900030 (ISSN 1862-6319)
Boettger,S.; Wagner,C.; Lorkowski,F.; Hartmann,M.; Heldt,G.; Reuter,D.; Schuster,J.; Hermann,S.: Role of contacts in carbon nanotube giant piezoresistive sensors. 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII), Berlin, 2019 Jun 23-27; Proceedings, pp 2400-2403 (ISBN 978-1-5386-8104-6)
Boettger,S.; Wagner,C.; Lorkowski,Florian; Hartmann,M.; Schuster,J.; Hermann,S.: Sensitivity control of carbon nanotube-based piezoresistive sensors by drain-induced barrier thinning. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 295 (2019) pp 288-295 (ISSN 0924-4247)
Bonitz,J.; Boettger,S.; Hermann,S.; Schulz,S.E.: Functional carbon nanotubes for MEMS applications: Miniaturized strain sensor and black coating for infrared devices. Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress (MST), Berlin, 2019 10 28-30
Buelz,D.; Streit,P.; Forke,R.; Otto,T.: Simulation der Eigenerwärmung gedruckter Leiterbahnen für die thermische Auslegung. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2019, Berlin (Germany), 2019 Oct 28-30; Proceedings, pp 690-693 (ISBN 978-3-8007-5090-0)
Buelz,D.; Streit,P.; Forke,R.; Otto,T.: Simulation of Self-Heating of Printed Interconnects for Thermal Design. 2019 20th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), Hannover (Germany), 2019; Proceedings, pp 1-5 (ISBN 978-1-5386-8040-7, 978-1-5386-8039-1, 978-1-5386-8041-4)
D.R.T.Zahn; Schulz,S.E.; Hiller,K.; Wagner,C.; Reuter,D.; Otto,T.: Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems - honoring the merits of Thomas Gessner (1954-2016). physica status solidi (a) , 216, 19 (2019) p 1900733 (ISSN 1862-6319)
Dittmar,N.; Kuechler,M.; Meinecke,C.; Reuter,D.; Otto,T.: Developing a process to remove single silicon layers by atomic layer etching. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, Berlin, 2019 Oct 28.-30.; Proceedings, pp 585-588 (ISBN 978-3-8007-5090-0)
E.I.Zenkevich; A.P.Stupak; E.Parhomenko; Blaudeck,T.; S.Krause; C.von Borczyskowski: Surface states and non-FRET photoluminescence quenching in nanoassemblies based on CdSe/ZnS quantum dots and porphyrins . XII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф.: Квантовая электроника / 12. Internationale Wissenschaftlich-Technische Konferenz: Quantenelektronik, Minsk 2019, 18.-22. November 2019; Verhandlungen der 12. Internationalen Wissenschaftlich-Technischen Konferenz: Quantenelektronik (Herausgeber: М. М. Kurejko et al.), 12 (2019) pp 98-99 (ISBN 978-985-586-281-0)
E.Sheremet; P.Meszmer; Blaudeck,T.; Hartmann,S.; Wagner,C.; B.Ma; Hermann,S.; Wunderle,B.; Schulz,S.E.; M.Hietschold; R.D.Rodriguez; D.R.T.Zahn: Cover picture: Advanced Characterization Methods for Electrical and Sensoric Components and Devices at the Micro and Nano Scales. physica status solidi (a) , 216, 19 (2019) p 1970061 (ISSN 1862-6319)
Ebermann,M.; Neumann,N.; Hoppe,S.; Hiller,K.; Seiler,J.; Helke,C.; Meinig,M.; Kurth,S.: Next Generation of highly miniaturized Bilk-MEMS-Fabry-Pérot Filters for infrared Microspectrometers. . 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII), Berlin, 23-27 Jun pp 470-473 (ISBN 978-1-5386-8104-6)
Enderlein,T.; Nestler,J.; Stiehl,C.; Morschhauser,A.; Otto,T.: Electrically Controlled Actuation of Strained Nanomembranes. "Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems", physica status solidi (a), 216, 19 (2019) p 1800840 (ISSN 1862-6319)
Forke,R.; Hiller,K.: Mikromechanisches Bauteil und Verfahren zur Herstellung. DE102018210810A
Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Hahn,S.; Weidlich,S.; Konietzka,S.; Motl,T.; Praedicow,A.; Otto,T.: Low Power High Bandwidth Acceleration Sensor For Industrial Applications. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL), Naples, FL, (USA), 2019 Apr 1-5; Proceedings, pp 1-4 (ISBN 978-1-5386-7828-2, 978-1-5386-7827-5, 978-1-5386-7829-9)
Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Hahn,S.; Weidlich,S.; Kuechler,M.; Konietzka,S.; Motl,T.; Praedicow,A.; Otto,T.: Low Power High Bandwidth Acceleration Sensors. 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems (SSI), Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Proceedings, pp 30-37 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5, 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Kuechler,M.; Hahn,S.; Weidlich,S.; Konietzka,S.; Motl,T.; Praedicow,A.; Otto,T.: Beschleunigungssensoren mit großer Bandbreite und geringer Leistungsaufnahme für industrielle Anwendungen. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2019, Berlin (Germany), 2019 Oct 28-30; Proceedings, pp 119-122 (ISBN 978-3-8007-5090-0)
Freitag,M.; Sauppe,M.; Auerswald,C.; Kriebel,D.; Schmidt,H.; Voigt,S.; Arnold,B.; Markert,E.; Hahn,S.; Hiller,K.; Heinkel,U.; Mehner,J.: Design, Modeling, Fabrication, and Verification of New Multifunctional MEMS/NEMS Components. "Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems", physica status solidi (a), 216, 19 (2019) p 1800831 (ISSN 1862-6319)
Gadhiya,G.; Braemer,B.; Rzepka,S.; Otto,T.: Assessment of FOWLP process dependent wafer warpage using parametric FE study. 2019 22nd European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference & Exhibition (EMPC), Pisa (Italy), 2019 Sep 16-19; Proceedings (ISBN 978-0-9568086-6-0, 978-1-7281-6291-1)
Gadhiya,G.; Braemer,B.; Rzepka,S.; Otto,T.; Kuisma,H.: The Creation of a Validated Scheme for the Automated Optimization of Systems in Package Designs. 13th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Proceedings, pp 102-109 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5, 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Gehre,J.: 3D-Modellierung des Partikeltransportes in Nanostrukturen zur Simulation von chemischen Schichtabscheidungen. Bachelorarbeit
Geistlinger,H.; Ding,Y.; Apelt,B.; Schlueter,S.; Kuechler,M.; Reuter,D.; Vorhauer,N.; Vogel,H.‐J.: Evaporation study based on micromodel experiments: Comparison of theory and experiment. Water Resources Research, 55 (2019)
Grossmann,T.D.; Decker,R.; Kurth,S.; Kroll,L.; Otto,T.: Reflection based Strain Sensing using Metamaterials.. IMTC 2019, Chemnitz, 2019 Fep 18-19; Technologies for Lightweight Structures (TLS) 2019
Hann,J.; Helke,C.; Lakatos,M.; Heerwig,A.; Nestler,J.; Erben,J.; Reuter,D.; Mertig,M.; Otto,T.: Parameter dependency of DNA origami immobilization at micro- and nano structured CF polymer surfaces on SiO2. Materialstoday: Proceedings, 7, Part 3 (2019) pp 844-854
Haugwitz,T.; Erben,J.; Neumann,N.; Reuter,D.; Plettemeier,D.: Optical Dipole Nano-Antennas on Glass Substrates. The 4th World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology, Rom (Italy), April 14 - 16
Heldt,G.; Weiss,A.; Helke,C.; Erben,J.; Kurth,S.; Meinig,M.; Martin,J.; Hiller,K.; Reuter,D.; Otto,T.: Integration of plasmonic nanostructures for micro-opto-electro-mechanical-systems. Smart System Integration (SSI), Barcelona, 2019 Apr 01-02; Proceedings, pp 1-7
Helke,C.; Hiller,K.; Seiler,J.; Erben,J.; Werner,T.; Reuter,D.; Meinig,M.; Kurth,S.; Otto,T.: Nanostructered Al SWG Reflectors on thin LP-Si3N4 membranes as (TiO2/SiO2)³ Bragg reflector alternative for VIS Fabry-Pérot Interferometers. 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII), Berlin, 23-27 Jun pp 1596-1599 (ISBN 978-1-5386-8104-6)
Helke,C.; Hiller,K.; Seiler,J.; Werner,T.; Meinig,M.; Kurth,S.; Otto,T.: VIS Fabry-Pérot Interferometer with structured (TiO2/PE-SiO2)³ Bragg-reflectors on 5 mm large LP-Si3N4 membranes. SPIE Photonics West - MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVIII, San Francisco, 2019 Feb 2-7; Proceedings, Vol. 10931 (2019) pp 1-8
Hertel,S.; Jobke,A.; Wiemer,M.; Reuter,D.; Otto,T.: Fabrication of Nano Porous Gold towards Wafer Level Packaging. Smart System Integration , Barcelona, 2019 April 10-11; Proceedings, 13 (2019) pp 169-176 (ISBN ISBN 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Hiller,K.; Helke,C.; Seifert,M.; Seiler,J.; Kurth,S.; Meinig,M.; Otto,T.: Mikro- und Nanotechnologien zur Herstellung steuerbarer optischer Filter. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, Berlin, 2019 Oct 28-30; Proceedings, pp 1-4 (ISBN ISBN 978-3-8007-5090-0)
Huber,M.; Zienert,A.; Weigel,P.; Schueller,M.; Berger,H.-R.; Schuster,J.; Otto,T.: Optimization of synthetic jet actuation by analytical modeling. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (submitted) (ISSN 0002-2667)
Jaeckel,L.; Knaut,M.; Schuster,J.: Sticking coefficient estimation for TaN ALD using a combined simulative and experimental approach. EuroCVD 22 - BalticALD 16, Luxemburg (Luxemburg), 2019 June 24-28; Poster presentation
Kaupmann,P.; Pinter,S.; Franz,J.; Streiter,R.; Otto,T.: A Novel Indirect Quasi-Static Actuation Concept for 2D MEMS Micromirrors. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (IEEE/ASME), 28, 2 (2019) pp 226-234 (ISBN 1057-7157, 1941-0158)
Kurth,S.; Meinig,M.; Wecker,J.; Seifert,M.; Hiller,K.; Otto,T.: A MEMS IR optical chopper based on subwavelength structures. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems and Applications XI, Baltimore (USA), 2019 May 13; Proceedings of SPIE, 10982, 109823A (2019)
Lange,S.; Bueker,M.-J.; Sievers,D.; Hedayat,C.; Foerstner,J.; Hilleringmann,U.; Otto,T.: Method of superposing a multiple driven magnetic field to minimize stray fields around the receiver for inductive wireless power transmission. 13th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Proceedings, pp 371-374 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5, 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Lange,S.; Hedayat,C.; Otto,T.: Verfahren zur Lokalisierung von Sensoren in der Medizintechnik. inno Innovative Technik - Neue Anwendungen, 24. Jahrgang, 74, November 2019 (2019)
Lange,S.; Schroeder,D.; Hedayat,C.; Otto,T.; Hilleringmann,U.: Inductive Locating Method to Locate Miniaturized Wireless Sensors Within Inhomogeneous Dielectrics. 17TH IEEE international NEWCAS conference, Munich (Germany), 2019 Jun; Proceedings
Meinecke,C.; Clauss,B.; Albers,J.; Hoeller,H.; Streit,P.; Forke,R.; Weidlich,S.; Dittrich,C.; Stritzke,B.; Schubert,A.; Hiller,K.; Reuter,D.: Development of a multi-sensor system for condition monitoring and crash detection of machine tools with rotating spindles. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, Berlin, 2019 Oct 28-30; Proceedings, pp 639-643 (ISBN 978-3-8007-5090-0)
Meinel,K.; Stoeckel,C.; Melzer,M.; Zimmermann,S.; Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Otto,T.: Piezoelectric Scanning Micromirror with Large Scan Angle Based on Thin Film Aluminum Nitride. 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII), Berlin (Germany), 2019 June 23-27; Proceedings, pp 1518-1521
Meinel,K.; Stoeckel,C.; Melzer,M.; Zimmermann,S.; Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Otto,T.: Piezoelektrischer Mikrospiegel mit großem Scanwinkel, basierend auf Dünnschicht-Aluminiumnitrid. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress, Berlin, 2019 Oct 28-30; Proceedings, pp 92-95 (ISBN 978-3-8007-5090-0)
Meinel,K.; Stoeckel,C.; Melzer,M.; Zimmermann,S.; Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Otto,T.: Piezoelectric Scanning Micromirror with Built-in Sensors Based on Thin Film Aluminum Nitride. IEEE SENSORS, Montreal (Canada), 2019 Oct 27-30; Proceedings
Meszmer,P.; Hahn,S.; Hiller,K.; Wunderle,B.: Highly Miniaturized MEMS‐Based Test Platforms for Thermo‐Mechanical and Reliability Characterization of Nano‐Functional Elements − Technology and Functional Test Results. "Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems", physica status solidi (a), 216, 19 (2019) p 1800936 (ISSN 1862-6319)
Monteiro Diniz Reis,D.; Rzepka,S.; Hiller,K.: AC Reliability of Integrated Low-Temperature PVD PZT Films. 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII), Berlin (Germany), 2019 June 23-27; Proceedings, pp 1491-1494 (ISBN 978-1-5386-8104-6, 978-1-5386-8105-3, 2167-0021, 2167-0013)
Nivedita Basu; Sterin N.S.; Saketh Ram Mamidala; Apoorva Shenoy ; Navakanta Bhat: Optimization of Platinum dioxide properties by plasma oxidation of sputtered PtOx . Materialia, 8, 12 (2019) p 100477 (ISSN 2589-1529)
Petrov,D.; Schmidt,M.; Hilleringmann,U.; Hedayat,C.; Otto,T.: RFID based sensor platform for industry 4.0 application. 13th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Proceedings, pp 363-366 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5 ,978-3-8007-4919-5)
Rizzi,L.; Zienert,A.; Schuster,J.; Koehne,M.; Schulz,S.E.: Computationally efficient simulation method for conductivity modeling of 2D-based conductors. Computational Materials Science, 161 (2019) pp 364-370 (ISSN 0927-0256)
Roscher,F.; Thalheim,R.; Seifert,T.; Paul,S.D.; Zichner,R.; Wiemer,M.; Otto,T.: Joining two worlds – hybrid integration of silicon based electronics and printed functionalities. Smart Systems Integration, Barcelona (Spain); Smart Systems Integration; 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, pp 1-8 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Saeidi,N.; Han,M.; Baum,M.; Wiemer,M.; Otto,T.: Tools and Techniques for Ultrasound Nerve Stimulation. 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, 2019 Jul 23-27; Proceedings
Schmidt,M.; Petrov,C.; Hedayat,C.; Hilleringmann,C.; Otto,T.: Wireless power supply for a RFID based sensor platform. Smart Systems Integration 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems (SSI), Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Proceedings, pp 367-370 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5, 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Schroeder,D.; Hangmann,C.; Hedayat,C.; Otto,T.; Hilleringmann,U.: Characterization of H-field Probes regarding Unwanted Field Suppression using Different Calibration Structures. 13th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Proceedings, pp 375-378 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5, 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Sharma,A.; Almeida,M.; Matthes,P.; Busse,S.; Selyshchev,O.; Mack,P.; Exner,H.; Horn,A.; Schulz,S.E.; Zahn,D.R.T.; Salvan,G.: Exchange bias and diffusion processes in laser annealed CoFeB/IrMn thin films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 489 (2019) p 165390
Sheremet,E.; Meszmer,P.; Blaudeck,T.; Hartmann,S.; Wagner,C.; Ma,B.; Hermann,S.; Wunderle,B.; Schulz,S.E.; Hietschold,M.; Rodriguez,R.D.; Zahn,D.R.T.: Advanced Characterization Methods for Electrical and Sensoric Components and Devices at the Micro and Nano Scales. "Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems", physica status solidi (a), 216, 19 (2019) p 1900106 (ISSN 1862-6319)
Teichert,F.; Zienert,A.; Schuster,J.; Schreiber,M.: An improved Green’s function algorithm applied to quantum transport in carbon nanotubes. Computational Materials Science, 169 (2019) p 109014 (ISSN 0927-0256)
Wagner,C.; Schuster,J.; Schleife,André: Strain and screening: Optical properties of a small-diameter carbon nanotube from first principles. Phys. Rev. B , 99 (2019) p 075140 (ISSN 2469-9950)
Wolf,M.; Barth,M.; Eberhardt,W.; Zimmermann,A.; Geneiss,V.; Hedayat,C.; Otto,T.: Optimized Micro-Mounting and Hybrid Integration of RF Mixed- Signal Systems based on MID Technology. 13th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Proceedings, pp 383-386 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5, 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Zahn,D.R.T.; Schulz,S.E.; Hiller,K.; Wagner,C.; Reuter,D.; Otto,T.: Sensoric Micro and Nano Systems. Physica Status Solidi. A: Applications and Materials Science, 216.2019, 19 (2019) p 1900733 (ISSN 0031-8965)
Zichner,R.; Thalheim,R.; Baumann,R.R.; Otto,T.: Printing Beyond Color - Towards the Integration of Digital Printing and Laser Technics into General Manufacturing Environments. 13th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2019 Apr 10-11; Talk (The manuscript of the presentation was not present at the time of production), p 262 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4878-5, 978-3-8007-4919-5)
Zienert,A.; Lorenz,E.; Schuster,J.; Schulz,S.E.: Simulation of Copper Deposition by ECD and PVD. Workshop der GMM - Fachgruppe 1.2.3 Abscheide- und Ätzverfahren, Erlangen, 2019 Dec 11; Oral Presentation
Zienert,A.; Schuster,J.; Schulz,S.E.: Simulation der Elektrochemischen Abscheidung von Kupfer in Mikrostrukturen. COMSOL Day, Dresden, 2019 Oct 24; Oral Presentation
Zschenderlein,U.; Klingner,M.; Arnold,J.; Baum,M.; Weissbach,M.; Schaal,M.; Wunderle,B.: Micro Bending Test on Double Cantilever Beams: A specimen-centred approach to accurate determination of the visco-plastic properties of Sintered Silver for Power Electronics applications. 2019 20th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), Hannover, Germany, 2019 Mar 24-27; Proceedings